Computational Intelligence is a research area that brings together artificial intelligence, computational neuroscience and computational biology, with the aim of advancing towards Artificial General Intelligence.
The field of interests are in theory, design, development and applications of biologically, socially and linguistically-motivated computational paradigms emphasising evolutionary systems, deep neural networks, soft computing, explainable artificial intelligence, and hybrid intelligent systems, in which these paradigms are contained.
Our interdisciplinary Centre also addresses the challenges of Computational Intelligence for complex real-world problems and its consequences in our society, ethics, human enhancement, and creativity. This is a university-wide Centre with a high focus on interdisciplinary research, encompassing an innovative collaborative context of inter-departmental and inter-faculty research. This Centre belongs and is formed by academics from the Faculty of Science and Health, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
The inter-disciplinary nature of the Centre aims to break down the barriers between the different disciplines and sciences contributing to Computational Intelligence and hence create strong collaboration between the Centre members to develop a ground breaking research that will lead to major breakthroughs in the field.