We will collect video and images of you through our CCTV, and Body Worn Video Cameras. To help ensure the health, safety and welfare of both our staff and the University community, University Security and Traffic Officers are equipped with Body Worn Video Cameras.
4.3.1 Why have Body Worn (BWV) Cameras been deployed?
The University of Essex has a responsibility for the Health, Safety and Welfare of its staff. Our officers regularly undertake conflict management training to help equip them with the skills needed to effectively manage confrontational situations.
Body Worn Cameras (BWV) are used by our staff to reduce the risk of verbal and physical aggression towards them. Cameras will only be activated when they consider that they are in a situation where they are, or feel they are likely to be, subjected to verbal or physical abuse. Recordings will not be made routinely, or to capture evidence of parking contraventions.
A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) was undertaken to consider the impact upon individuals and their privacy, and to consider measures which could be put in place to mitigate any effect on individuals and their privacy. A copy of the assessment can be viewed on request.
4.3.2 When and where will the cameras be used?
The record button on the cameras will only be activated where an officer finds themselves in a confrontational situation where they are subject to, or feel they are likely to be subject to, verbal or physical abuse.
Recordings will not be made of general patrolling duties or to capture evidence of parking contraventions.
The devices will only be used on University land.
The devices will record both Audio and Visual. This is to provide a reliable record of what was said in an incident as it may be used as evidence in an internal or external investigation.
4.3.3 How will I know when recording is taking place?
The cameras are worn overtly on the outside of the Officer’s uniform, normally on the chest or shoulder, and the visual display on the camera will clearly show when recording is taking place. When the record button is first activated, the camera also emits a loud high-pitched sound.
Officers will also advise the member of the public where possible that they have commenced recording when they first activate the device.
The cameras have a “pre-record” function, so that when activated, the camera will record the incident, and preserve the last minute of video before activation. Following activation, data is encrypted on the camera and retained for two months (unless required to respond to a subject access request or for evidential purposes). No other data is retained.
Access to recordings is limited to authorised officers, University management and the police for law enforcement purposes.