Sharing knowledge
Academic staff can visit partner institutions for training, research collaboration and knowledge sharing. The YERUN Research Mobility Awards encourage early career researchers to establish new multidisciplinary international research collaborations either virtually or by visiting one of our partner universities across Europe.
Building capacity
Backed by EU funding we have undertaken capacity building projects around internationalism, curriculum development, careers and employability in various areas including Israel and the Caucuses. This type of activity is in the interests of sharing our knowledge and improving learning outcomes for other international institutions.
Boosting prosperity
We were one of the first UK universities to join the Santander Universities network. This was created in 1996 by Banco Santander’s late Chairman Emilio Botin with the aim of bringing together the bank’s corporate social responsibility activities. The network began in Spain and now engages with more than 20 countries including Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Portugal. We are now one of 86 UK members. Since joining, we have received more than £1.3m in support which has helped us to support 120 Masters scholarships, 200 internships and more than 150 travel grants.