
School of Life Sciences Postgraduate Welcome Event

  • Fri 4 Oct 24

    10:00 - 17:00

  • Colchester Campus


  • Event type


  • Event organiser

    Life Sciences, School of

  • Contact details

    Kathryn Hills

Time  Event  Room  
 10am-11am Tour of campus  Tours to be given by Peer Mentors. Please meet outside the Life Sciences building
 11am-11.30am  Welcome to all new Postgraduate Taught students by Prof Vassiliy Bavro Postgraduate Taught Director  

LTB 06


MSc Biotechnology Students                   

Welcome and introduction by Dr Dima Svistunenko, MSc Biotechnology Course Director

LTB 06


MSc Molecular Medicine Students

Welcome and introduction by Dr Ralf Zwacka, MSc Molecular Medicine Course Director

LTB 8 


MSc Tropical Marine Biology & MSc Marine Science and Sustainable Development Students

Welcome and introduction by Dr Natalie Hicks MSc Tropical Marine Biology & MSc Marine Science and Sustainable Development Course Director.
 LTB 05

MSc Cancer Biology Students

Welcome and introduction by Dr Andrea Mohr, MSc Cancer Biology Course Director.
LTB 9 

MSc Health Genomics Students

Welcome and introduction by Dr Antonio Marco, MSc Health Genomics Course Director


 12.30 – 1.00 p.m.   Tour of the School by MSc Course Directors   
 1.00 – 2.00 p.m.   Break for own lunch – students to get their own lunch  
 2.00 – 3.30 p.m.   Essex Survival Guide Session with Prof Vassiliy Bavro  LTB 6
 3.30pm-5pm  Afternoon Tea session for all new Postgraduate Students  STEM 3.1