Mine Ors Weds


  • Wed 23 Oct 24

    19:00 - 20:30

  • Colchester Campus

    Lakeside Theatre

  • Event type

    Arts, culture and performances

  • Event organiser

    Lakeside Theatre

  • Contact details

A Homegrown Season production by Warimi Karogo.

Set in the dark, claustrophobic confines of a hand-dug mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the play follows the harrowing journey of two child miners, Manny and Tyo, brothers who become trapped underground.

As they struggle to find a way out, their bond and resilience are tested against the backdrop of exploitative mining practices rooted in colonialism. Mine/Ors is a powerful exploration of the adultification of Congolese children, brotherhood, love, hope and the quest for dignity amidst systemic oppression.

Book your tickets


  • £5.50

Content Guidance:

  • Age guide: 14+

Two silhouette figures on a blue background. The first figure, a grown adult with a miner's hat and pickaxe, is swinging a pickaxe towards the second figure, a child sat on the ground with their back towards the pickaxe. Between the two figures is a large, red forward slash.