
Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Hosted by Essex Startups

This workshop explores leadership skills and understanding your leadership style, with an insight into emotional intelligence and the behaviours of a good leader.

A great team needs a great leader, so make sure you have what it takes to lead your team to success. We will consider different leadership styles, self-reflection, and how being critical about yourself affects your leadership and impacts others.

We’ll analyse behaviours of a good leader to enhance your understanding of emotional intelligence and self-awareness. By gaining a better understanding of emotional intelligence you better equipped to manage your emotions, communicate effectively, empathise with others, and overcome team challenges.

Any questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch via startups@essex.ac.uk.

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This is a Spark event.

These events are for people at the start of their entrepreneurial journey. If you have the beginnings of a business idea or are considering the possibilities of working for yourself in the future, we are here to equip you with the knowledge you need to prepare for life as an entrepreneur.

Spark events explore a range of topics focusing on fundamental business skills, incorporating real-world examples.

Designed to develop your business knowledge and confidence, you will participate in interactive activities to find creative solutions to challenges and gain a greater understanding of collaborative working.