
What can I expect at an in-person assessment centre?

Learn what to expect at an in-person assessment centre and how to prepare

  • Tue 19 Nov 24

    12:00 - 12:30

  • Colchester Campus

  • Event type


  • Event organiser

    Student Development Department

  • Contact details

Have you been asked to attend an in-person assessment centre? Find out what they involve and what to expect.

The session covers:

  • What an assessment centre is and why employers use them
  • An overview of the types of activities employers use and why
  • An opportunity to get ‘first time nerves’ out of the way with a mock group task
  • Hints and tips on how to prepare

Book your place via CareerHub

The Careers Services team are here to help you make the most of your Essex experience and help you reach your full potential. We offer support with CVs, applications, interview skills and careers tailored advice. All of our workshops can be booked via CareerHub.

Find out more about our services and how we can help.