Prof Kevin Lu

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Colchester Campus
Academic support hours
By appointment
I am currently co-supervising the following PhD candidates: -- Louise Austin --Briony Clarke --Debbie Phung
PhD University of Essex, (2011)
MA Heythrop College, University of London, (2022)
BA (Hons) University of Toronto, (2005)
Research and professional activities
Research interests
C G Jung, analytical psychology, Jungian and Post-Jungian theory
psychoanalytic history and psychohistory, especially the application of analytical psychology to the discipline of history
oral history
transgenerational transmission of trauma
Chinese/Vietnamese Diaspora
Psychology of Religion
Conferences and presentations
Being Disenchanted with Re-enchantment: A Critical Reappraisal of the Theory of Cultural Complexes. The First Regional Conference of the International Association for Jungian Studies, SOAS, University of London, 07/2011
London, United Kingdom, 2011
Chinas Suppression of Tibetan Protests. The 2nd International Conference of the International Association for Jungian Studies, Cardiff University, 07/2009
Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2009
Adumbrations of a Jungian Psychohistory. Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society: A Postgraduate Conference, Middlesex University, 06/2009
London, United Kingdom, 2009
The Possession of Thomas Darling. Religion: New Perspectives, University of Essex, 06/2008
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2008
The Possession of Thomas Darling. Research Symposium for Postgraduate Students, Darwin College, University of Kent, 05/2008
Canterbury, United Kingdom, 2008
Toynbee and Jung: Higher Religions and the Creation of a Psycho-Global Historical Approach. CPS Research Student Week, University of Essex, 05/2008
Colchester, United Kingdom, 2008
A Response to Peter Homanss Article, C. G. Jung: Christian or Post-Christian Psychologist? The Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies Vth Annual Conference, University of Toronto, Canada, 06/2006
Toronto, Canada, 2006
Teaching and supervision
Current supervision
Previous supervision

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 19/2/2024

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 1/9/2023

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 10/2/2022

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 24/9/2021

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 12/5/2020

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 20/1/2020

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/1/2019

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 18/1/2019

Degree subject: Psychoanalytic Studies
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy
Awarded date: 5/6/2018
Journal articles (12)
Howe, AJ., Demjaha, A. and Lu, K., (2024). Auditory hallucinations in non-psychotic disorders – an analytical psychological perspective. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 38 (3), 209-215
Merritt, D., Lu, K. and Merritt, F., (2023). Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Revisited. Psychological Perspectives. 65 (3-4), 350-359
Lu, K. and Yeoman, A., (2023). Jungian Psycho-Social Studies. International Journal of Jungian Studies. 16 (1), 1-36
Lu, K., Kaluzeviciute, G. and Sharp, W., (2022). Things can only get Stranger: theoretical and clinical reflections on Netflix’s Stranger Things. Journal of Popular Culture. 55 (3), 611-631
Howe, AJ., Jones, M., Bowden, C. and Lu, K., (2022). The importance of relationships in therapeutic communities: a systematic critical case study. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 36 (3), 218-233
Lu, K., (2020). Racial Hybridity Jungian and Post-Jungian Perspectives. International Journal of Jungian Studies. 12 (1), 11-40
Merritt, F., Merritt, D. and Lu, K., (2018). A Jungian Interpretation of the Hunger Games: a myth that defines our times. Jung Journal. 12 (3), 26-44
Lu, KK., (2014). a Jungian Psychohistory: A. J. Tonybee's use of analytical psychology in his theory of civilizations. International Journal of Jungian Studies. 6 (1), 52-68
Lu, K., (2013). Can individual psychology explain social phenomena? An appraisal of the theory of cultural complexes. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society
Lu, K., (2013). Reply to Thomas Singer. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. 18 (4), 416-422
Lu, K., (2012). Jung, History and His Approach to the Psyche. Journal of Jungian Scholarly Studies. 8 (9), 1-24
Lu, K., (2009). The Possession of Thomas Darling: Adumbrations of a Jungian Psychohistory. Rebus: A Journal of Art History and Theory. 3, 1-32
Book chapters (6)
Lu, K., (2021). Preface. In: The Plural Turn in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies The Work of Andrew Samuels. Editors: Carpani, S., . Routledge. 1000346994. 9781000346992
Lu, K., (2018). Teaching Jung in the Academy: the representation of comic book heroes on the big screen. Editors: Hockley, L., . Routledge. 9781317213109
Lu, KK., (2017). Piecing the Story Together: the Political and Psychological Aspects of Oral History Interviewing in the Chinese/Vietnamese Diaspora. In: Analysis and Activism: Social and Political Contributions of Jungian Psychology. Editors: Kiehl, E., Saban, M. and Samuels, A., . Routledge. 97- 104
Lu, K., (2014). Foreword. In: Analytical Psychology Its Theory and Practice. Routledge. 1317677692. 9781317677697
Lu, KK., (2014). Foreword. In: Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice. Editors: . Routledge. x- xvii. 9780470656860
Lu, K., (2010). Jung and History: Adumbrations of a post Jungian approach to psychoanalytic history. In: Sexual Revolutions: Psychoanalysis, History and the Father. Editors: Heuer, G., . Routledge. 11- 34. 9780415570435
Other (1)
Lu, K., (2014).Foreword in Carl Gustav Jung's Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice, Routledge Classics edition,Routledge