Essex Vlogs17 January 2020

Jamais' story

"It's not something I imagined myself doing three years ago but a lot of what I do is working with people, either developing them or facilitating cultural change."

Jamais Webb-Small, Organisational Development Engagement Officer at the University of Essex and MSc Human Resource Management student at Essex Business SchoolJamais Webb-Small has experienced Essex from just about every angle you could imagine.

Currently a student studying part-time on the MSc Human Resource Management course and balancing that, life and her role as Organisational Development Engagement Officer in the University of Essex Human Resource department - Jamais has been one busy young woman since graduating from BSc Psychology in 2016!

We caught up with Jamais half way through her Masters in human resource management to find out how she's getting on and how her course choices have impacted and directed her career:

Find out more about skills and employability with the Essex Business School