Following the very stringent measures announced by the Prime Minister last night, the Chair of University Council and I have taken the decision that the University move into the ‘Advanced Protection’ Phase of our response to COVID-19. We have set out what this means on our web site in our University of Essex Business Continuity Plan. Further details of the strict curbs to our lives announced by the Prime Minister are explained in full detail on the Government’s website.

As a consequence of moving to ‘Advanced Protection’, we are now putting in place measures to deliver essential services. Staff working on our campuses will be focused on supporting residential and essential operational services – supported by staff working remotely. For University staff, please could you contact your line manager if you are unsure about how you should be working during this period of ‘Advanced Protection’. For students we have provided more information about ‘Advanced Protection’ in our University of Essex Business Continuity Plan.

I know these measures present an unprecedented challenge to our community and if you have any questions please speak directly to your line manager or Head of Department. Students can contact us at:

Anthony Forster
