Did you know?
Over a third of visits to GPs are about mental health.
Hopefully by now, you have mastered the basics of eating well, being active, and maintaining a good sleep routine.
What else can you do to improve your mental health?
Maintain relationships – relationships build a sense of belonging and self-worth. Strong relationships allow us to share our feelings and know that we’re understood. There’s also evidence that being around people with strong mental wellbeing can improve our own wellbeing.
Be mindful – becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us more, and understand ourselves better. It helps us become more aware of our stream of thoughts and feelings, and notice its patterns so we can try to regain control before feelings overwhelmed by them.
Keep learning – evidence shows continuing to learn throughout life can improve and maintain mental health. Learning can boost self-confidence and self-esteem, help build a sense of purpose, and help us connect with others.
Give to others – giving to others and co-operating with them can stimulate the reward areas in the brain, creating positive feelings. Helping and working with others can also give us a sense of purpose and feeling of self-worth. It also helps us develop relationships with others.
And finally…
Ask for help if you need it – none of us are superhuman. If things are getting too much for you and you feel you can’t cope, ask for help. Your family or friends may be able to offer a listening ear or practical help. There are support systems in place at university, such as the Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity Service, which runs a drop-in service every weekday remotely or in person to talk about what is troubling you. Please fill in the online enquiry form here: https://essex.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2m20aC2P4jQMfnT to arrange an appointment.
Who would you talk to if you needed help?
For more information on support available through the University, please the Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity Team web pages.