We’re really excited to be inviting people from around the world together to take part in a series of online training events on refugee care. This issue has never been more important.

The sessions are open to people from all backgrounds and disciplines to come and find out more about Refugee Care and our work at our Centre for Trauma Asylum Refugees (CTAR).

Our Centre for Trauma Asylum and Refugees (CTAR) based within the University of Essex is a hub for practitioners and researchers in the field of Refugee Care to come together and exchange ideas. We welcome new associate members and approaches from individuals and organisations interested to explore collaborative projects and foster connections. Read more about the impact of our work in helping governments and aid organisations across the world improve the plight of refugees by revolutionising the way support services are provided.

What is Refugee Care?

Refugee Care is a rich, exciting and cutting-edge academic field, related to but significantly different from the fields of Refugee Studies, Forced Migration and Human Rights. Refugee Care was first offered at the University of Essex in 2005. Based within the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, Refugee Care focuses attention upon psychosocial perspectives of experiences of involuntary dislocation, promoting an empathetic, thoughtful and reflexive approach to working with people from refugee backgrounds.

Our online training events will be led by world authorities and will be covering psychosocial approaches to working with extreme forms of adversity, recording life stories with people from refugee backgrounds, and qualitative mapping methodologies to engage vulnerable populations.

Who is this training for?

This training is open to all but will be especially useful to staff and volunteers from organisations working with people, including those from refugee backgrounds, who may be facing adversity. We welcome people of all walks of life and professional backgrounds to our workshops. No prior specialist knowledge is required, just an interest in the topic, curiosity to find out more and willingness to reflect on experiences.

Training will be interactive with opportunities for participants to contribute to discussion, ask questions and learn from each other as well as from the presenters/facilitators.

Certificates of attendance can be requested by all who successfully complete the training.

Find out more about the online courses, the facilitators and how to book a place.