I know that it has been a difficult week, particularly for staff who have been personally affected by the issues raised by the Reindorf Review, our trans and non-binary community and their allies. The Vice-Chancellor has apologised to staff, on behalf of the University, for the procedural and other failings that occurred in relation to the two events covered in the Review, and for the distress that this has caused.

I want to reassure you that we are committed to being a supportive and inclusive community for all our members. We will be taking a range of actions, working with you, to address the impact of these events on our whole community. 

If you have been affected by these events, there are a range of ways that we can support you. Our Occupational Health team can work with you to access any help you need including referrals to other support services.   

In addition to all of our usual sources of support, any staff member affected by these events can arrange for a confidential referral for structured counselling through Validium or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy through ASC Wellbeing Clinic.   


You can arrange up to six sessions of Solution Focused Brief Therapy via Validium. Simply call the Employee Assistance Programme helpline on 0800 358 48 58 and speak to one of their telephone counsellors. This is a fully confidential service and personal details will not be shared with the University. 

You can also ask for a counsellor by identity, for example LGBTQ+. 

ASC Wellbeing Clinic 

ASC Wellbeing Clinic is a service offering Cognitive Behavioural Therapy support with therapists experienced in supporting people from the transgender community. Staff affected by the Reindorf Review will be able to access up to six sessions with them. You can contact them on 01702 523428 or 07584 022669 to arrange this. 

This additional service will be available until 30 June 2021. 

Support is also available through our partners: 

Gendered Intelligence 
Tel: 0330 3559 678  
Email: supportline@genderedintelligence.co.uk 

Outhouse East
Tel: 01206 871 394 
Email: info@outhouseeast.org.uk

Next steps 

The University’s Inclusion Champions met this week with the leadership of the LGBTQ staff forum to listen to their feedback. As we take our next steps, there will also be opportunities offered on an ongoing basis for members of our staff and student LGBTQ+ community to meet with the relevant Inclusion Champions to discuss any issues or concerns that they may have.

Alternatively, anyone may approach review@essex.ac.uk in confidence for signposting to support.