Raudhah Nazran (LLB Law, 2019) and Fran Zulfikarpasic (BSc Finance, 2020)

Dear Essex, 

Where do I even begin? I did not just find love in Essex, I found my soulmate, Fran. To think that we met four years ago in 2018 at the Essex Start Up Boot Camp and now we’re happily married – it’s absolutely insane. I’m having chills! 

I'm not sure if it was love at first sight but our relationship developed after having worked closely with each other over the course of one year. We were best friends before we became exclusive. It was during one of our late nights at the library studying when he, out of the blue, opened up about his feelings which were undoubtedly mutual. 

Eating lamb kofta at Top Bar and cracking our heads in the library were our typical date nights. We both came from different parts of the world and Essex connected us. I’m Asian. He’s European. Time and cultural differences were challenging but we love despite. 

Now happily married and residing in Malaysia, we both are currently running our respective Start Ups (thanks to Essex!) and we just celebrated our third anniversary!

We cannot wait to visit Essex again! 

Love, Raudhah 


On the left, Raudhah and Fran at Essex in the library. On the right, Raudhah and Fran now.