Thank you to everyone who supported our Spring Graduation ceremonies. Over 4000 Graduands attended 15 ceremonies, and we couldn't have done it without all the volunteers who contributed their time and effort throughout the week. In total, 150 staff helped deliver a truly memorable and enjoyable experience, and we received lots of thanks for everyone that helped to make Spring Graduation so special.
This July, we will be running two consecutive weeks of Graduation to make sure that all our students whose ceremonies were postponed due to the pandemic can attend a Graduation ceremony and celebrate their achievements.
Summer Graduation: Monday 18 to Friday 29 July
Week One: 18 to 22 July. Class of 2022. Ceremonies will start and 10am, 1pm and 4pm.
Week Two: 25 to 29 July. Classes of 2020 and 2021. Ceremony times to be confirmed.
We will once again need all your support to be able to deliver the Graduation ceremonies our students deserve, so please hold these dates in your diary. We will be reaching out soon with further information on how you can get involved so please keep an eye on your inboxes.
Graduation is the highlight of the academic year and represents the culmination of an incredible amount of hard work on the part of both our students and staff. It is a wonderful opportunity to come together and celebrate our achievements, but we really couldn’t do it without your help. Thank you, once again.