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Let’s Talk About Genes and Society

Join Leo Schalkwyk and Meena Kumari in conversation with Jules Pretty on human genetics and epigenetics, how culture and society influences what goes on inside us, and all the latest on how this new understanding can improve human health. 

Leo Schalkwyk is Head of the School of Life Sciences and Meena Kumari is Deputy Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Research, both at the University of Essex

The Louder Than Words Podcast

The Louder Than Words podcast is about how ideas improve lives. Professor Jules Pretty created the Louder than Words podcast for conversations on how the world can be made a better place by inquiry, research and public engagement. These are ideas that can inspire individual, collective and policy action.

This is the first podcast from the Centre for Public and Policy Engagement at the University of Essex. There are three series a year: autumn, spring and summer.

Each episode of Louder Than Words takes a key contemporary issue and gives you a chance to hear from leading researchers, policy makers, thinkers and campaigners plus those directly affected by the issue.

The podcast is produced by Marcus Pierpoint and Luke Fitch of the University of Essex’s Media Centre. Producer of series one and two was Martha Dixon, series three was produced by Alli Walker.