With Results Day on the horizon, you might be thinking about what your options are once you get your results. Whether you don’t achieve the grades you need or have just changed your mind on your chosen course or university, Clearing is your last chance to secure a university place to start in 2024.

Here are 10 important things to know about Clearing ahead of Results Day this year:

1. Who can apply through Clearing?

As long as you have your results, you can apply through Clearing.

People apply for course places in Clearing for many different reasons. You might have; changed your mind about your chosen course or university, not have applied to university for this year yet, not achieved the grades you were hoping for, or have done better than expected. Even if you have previously declined an offer from us, you can still apply again through Clearing.

2. When can I apply through Clearing?

Clearing at Essex opens on 3 July and will remain open until October, or until a course is at full capacity. If you already have your results, you can apply from the 3rd otherwise, wait until your results day to make an application.

3. How do I apply?

At Essex, there are two main ways to apply through Clearing. You can either give us a call on our hotline to speak to someone directly, or you can fill out an online Clearing application form.

Sometimes we can make you an offer straight away, but if not, we aim to get back to you via email within 3 working days.

If you applied via UCAS and are holding an unconditional firm place somewhere else, you will need to release yourself into Clearing on the UCAS Hub using the ‘decline my place’ option – you must do this in order to accept an alternative Clearing offer.

4. Which courses will have Clearing places available at Essex?

We will be displaying all courses open through Clearing on our website.

5. Who will I be speaking to when I call the Clearing hotline?

We have a lovely team of call-handlers on the other end of the phone! They might be current students or staff that work in various departments across the university – they are all really friendly and will do their best to help answer any questions or worries you might have.

6. What will I be asked on the phone call?

  • Which course you are interested in
  • Your UCAS ID number (if you have one)
  • Your most recent qualifications – e.g. A-levels, BTEC etc.
  • Whether you have 5 GCSE’s at Grade C/4 or above, and what year you took them
  • If applicable, your GCSE results for English, English Literature, Maths and Science
  • Any other academic qualifications you hold
  • Any English Language qualifications you hold
  • Personal details – your name, address, contact phone number, email address and date of birth
  • Your fee status – either a home or overseas fee payer
  • Whether you need a visa to study in the UK

You will then be given a Clearing reference number – make a note of this in case you need to follow up your application.

7. Will I need to attend an interview?

This depends upon your chosen course – there are a few courses, including those in our School of Health and Social Care and at East 15 Acting School, for which an interview (or audition) for is mandatory, but this will take place online.

8. Do I need to decide quickly once I get an offer?

There is no fixed deadline of when you need to accept your offer by, but as demand for places is high, we recommend doing this as soon as you can to avoid disappointment. There will be instructions on how to accept your offer in your offer email.

9. Will I still get guaranteed on-campus accommodation if I come through Clearing?

Yes! All full-time undergraduate students are entitled to accommodation for the first year of study. Once you become unconditional firm with us, you will be able to apply for accommodation – make sure you do this by Friday 13 September 2024 to get guaranteed accommodation.

10. When does term start?

Our autumn term doesn’t begin until Thursday 3 October – so you’ve got a little while to pack!

It’s never too early to prepare for Results Day, if you think you might want to use Clearing to secure a place this October, sign up here for exclusive Clearing guidance and advice.