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Alexandra is a current final-year student studying BA International Relations in the Department of Government. In 2022-2023 Alexandra completed a year abroad at City University of Hong Kong and tells us about the experience of being based in Asia…

“You might be wondering why this blog post is entitled ‘exchange around Asia’. I applied through Essex Abroad to be an exchange student in Korea; however I was allocated my second option, City University of Hong Kong. I was sceptical at first and a little bit disappointed that I did not get to go to my first choice.

I embarked on my journey in August, without knowing what to expect, but as soon as I arrived, I finally realised that even though I didn’t get to study at my first choice university, but I still made it to Asia and partly completed my dreams.

I experienced strong culture shock at first in Hong Kong, however I adapted very quickly thanks to the welcoming people at the university. I made a lot of new friends, even local friends who showed me their culture and new ways of enjoying life to the fullest.

Someone once told me that I should make new friends wherever I am and the kindness you give will be returned to you some point down the line. Since the University of Essex is very international, I met people from different countries, including Asia, since my first year at Essex. Once I was in Asia, they kindly invited me to visit them in Japan, Malaysia and Korea. I was so happy to see them again and to get to know their families, all of which gave me a unique, authentic experience in each country, from wearing a Kimono in Kyoto to eating durian in Kuala Lumpur!

A woman dressed in Japanese traditional dress in front of a Japanese building 

My experience at City University of Hong Kong had its hardships as well of course, however, the Essex Abroad team were very kind and helped me with everything, so you can count on them during your own journey for sure. I would like to thank them!

Overall, I would go on this journey again and again. The start is a little bit stressful and overwhelming, nevertheless, at the end of your journey you will wish you could stay longer, just like me”.

Inspired by Alexandra’s blog? Find out more about Study Abroad opportunities.