Currently in her second year of study at the University of Essex, Shantell Ayton is pursuing her undergraduate degree in Sports Performance and Coaching. She joined the Essex Rebels in the 2022/2023 season after a successful final year with CoLA in the WEABL and signed up to the London Coaches Program just under 12 months ago. 

Here she shares her experience as part of that program and the impact it has had on her thoughts moving forward.

Shantell Ayton with coaches from the London Coaches Program

Introducing … Shantell Ayton

I’ve been coaching and playing the City of London for 7 years whilst coaching for 3 years. I heard about the London Coaches Program from Coach Brian at CoLA. He suggested a few of us sign up, as it would be a good opportunity for us.

We all received an invitation saying we had been accepted into the first cohort. The first meeting was about the course overview, meeting everyone, including our mentors, who have designated areas but remain available for additional perspectives. The mentors are assigned to help with their experiences and make group chats with their group to share coaching opportunities and discuss goals.

Level 1 Coaching Course

I had already completed my Level 1 coaching course, but it was beneficial to do it again, learning more in a 6-hour session with Coach Clive Castillo. There were 20-25 coaches, and we learned fun warm-up drills such as tag, and then built on basketball skills like passing, ball handling, and shooting drills, including 7-up and more.

We also played games like 1v1, 3v3, and 5v5, and discussed how we, as coaches, could implement and apply what we had learned. Additionally, there was an e-learning module that didn’t take long to complete.

We completed a safeguarding course, a one-day group session on different days. We were all in a room learning and discussing with each other the safety protocols coaches need to understand, with scenario-based questions we answered and discussed. The first aid course was split into groups of 5-6 people on the same day, and we received free basketballs and t-shirts.

Coaching Clinics and Event

The first event was a coaching clinic by NBA assistant coach Nate Reinking at UEL. The second event was an online masterclass by Coach Don Showalter. We also had a virtual meeting with Coach Edniesha Curry, an NBA assistant coach and former WNBA player. There were opportunities to get tickets to other events such as the Lithuanian men’s coach coaching clinic in the UK and WBBL games. The first trip was to Poland for Basketball Without Borders, and four people were picked randomly to attend in August 2023.

Junior NBA Coaching Clinics in Paris

I was fortunate to be selected to attend with two other coaches. The selection process involved picking three names from those who were available and interested. This took place in January for a week, with different school kids/clubs coming to the court each day.

We ran stations for ball handling, passing, etc., paired with French coaches. We got to join, watch, and coach them, ending with a fun game. A former NBA / WNBA player also attended to share their knowledge and advice with the group plus we joined the Brooklyn Nets and Cleveland Cavaliers in their coaching clinics for kids.

The trip was extended when we got tickets to watch an NBA game, which was fun. We helped coach on the court in the morning for those who bought exclusive tickets, and Sabrina Ionesco came to help.

High Point

My highlight of this trip was everything! I got to soak in it all like a sponge and enjoy the game at the end. Meeting Sabrina Ionesco, who I’ve watched play since she was in college, was amazing. I hope to meet more WNBA players in the future.

Current Progress

The Level 2 course has 4 e-learning modules and a 6-hour on-court session. I feel like this program has helped me network, meet new people, and apply everything I’ve learned.

There are lots still to look forward to, with the Basketball Without Borders trip to Spain from 30th May – 3rd June, awaiting the selection process for this to take place. Then JR NBA finals UK in UEL 19th – 20th June and 22nd June will celebrate the 1st cohort.


Being a part of the London Coaches Program has helped me view coaching as more than just being a 'coach.' It’s about being a mentor and finding ways to improve players' skills on and off the court, as well as my own.

In the future, I look forward to traveling and coaching. The Junior NBA Paris was a taste of what I want to work towards in coaching. Junior NBA operates in many countries, and it would be a great opportunity to do what I love - being involved with basketball and coaching kids worldwide, alongside the opportunity to travel.

I’m still finishing this program, but I am grateful for what I’ve learned so far, my growth throughout the program, stepping out of my comfort zone, the people I’ve met and will meet in the future, and the courses I’ve done and will do. I’m excited for the rest of the program.

About London Coaches Program

The London Coaches Program is a recent partnership funded by the Mayor of London and the National Basketball Association (NBA) and delivered by Basketball England. This three-year initiative, running until 2025, aims to enhance skills, employability, and health through basketball. Opportunities will be created for 500 new community coaches, between the ages of 16-30, to receive a 12-month education and training program, free to residents of London.


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