Tom's journey to the England men's national volleyball team has been down to relentless dedication, intense training, and fuelled with emotional highs. Sharing his pride at being selected to the achievements in competition at this year's Nordic Cup, his experiences have brought a new level of passion for volleyball, reflecting on the strength of team bonds and his unwavering commitment to achieving volleyball greatness.

University of Essex's Tom Shatmehin profile for England in the Nordic Cup 600 x 800

Introducing...Tom Shatmehin

Selection Process and Emotions

Being selected for the England men’s national volleyball team was an exhilarating and proud moment, a culmination of years of dedication, hard work, and perseverance. All the sacrifices, intense training sessions, and mental preparation had finally paid off. To be part of the selection process, I had to consistently demonstrate my skills in both club and regional competitions in technical aspects like serving, spiking, and blocking and highlight strong teamwork, leadership, and the ability to perform under pressure. I had to maintain peak physical condition and participate in selection camps where coaches assessed my abilities in a competitive environment. It’s been testing, but the honour of representing England made every effort worthwhile.

Training and Preparation

In the lead-up to the Nordic Cup, training and preparation was intense and highly focused. The coaching team designed a program combining technical skill development with tactical training, ensuring I was prepared for the specific demands of international competition. Daily sessions included advanced technical drills, defensive strategies, and simulated match play to refine our team’s cohesion and on-court communication.

Our shared goal to do well at the Nordic Cup brought us closer, and we built strong bonds that translated into improved performance on the court. During the final weeks of preparation, we had the opportunity to play against top-tier teams in friendly matches, boosting our confidence and providing invaluable experience and insights into our game strategies.

Experience in Denmark

My overall experience in Denmark during the Nordic Cup was both exciting and fulfilling. Competing at such a high level in an international setting was a tremendous achievement, and Denmark provided a vibrant and welcoming backdrop for the tournament. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation, with teams from across the region coming together to showcase our talents.

On the court, the intensity of the matches was a highlight. Every game pushed us to our limits, and the level of competition was fierce. The energy in the arena was electric, and the support from our teammates and the crowd fuelled our drive. That victory not only boosted our standings but also reinforced our belief in our ability to compete with the best.

Off the court, as a team, we spent time eating breakfast, lunch and dinner together, enjoyed time in the pool, playing card games and watching the Olympics.

The Nordic Cup was an amazing experience that strengthened my love for volleyball; a combination of addressing the challenges, boosting memories both on and off the court, and growing connections with my teammates and the broader volleyball community.

Team Dynamics

I knew several of my teammates before the Nordic Cup, primarily from playing against each other in club competitions and tournaments. Having those existing relationships bolstered a sense of familiarity and trust on the court.

By training, travelling, and competing together, our bond grew naturally and became a more enjoyable experience. Spending so much time together outside of matches meant we got to know each other more personally, beyond just our roles on the court.

One I’ll remember was when we gathered for a team dinner after one of our matches. The atmosphere was relaxed, we took the time to reflect on the loss, on the challenges, but mostly just enjoyed each other’s company. That evening, it felt like we had truly come together as a team, not just as individual players. Those bonds formed during the Nordic Cup carried over into our performances, as we learned to trust and support each other.

Future Aspirations

The experience of competing in the Nordic Cup has influenced my future goals in volleyball. It has reinforced my commitment to reaching higher levels within the sport and shown me the importance of continuous growth, both technically and mentally. Seeing firsthand the intensity and skill needed at international level has inspired me to push my limits even further. My goals now include not only striving to represent England in more international competitions but also to become a leader within the team, helping to mentor younger players and contribute to the overall success of the program. The experience has made me more determined to work on specific areas of my game, such as improving my consistency under pressure and enhancing my tactical awareness.

Pass it on

For other aspiring athletes in the University of Essex’s volleyball program, my advice would be to embrace every challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. Success in volleyball, or any sport, is as much about mental resilience as it is about physical ability. Stay committed to your training, even on the days when progress seems slow, or obstacles appear insurmountable. It’s crucial to set both short-term and long-term goals and to keep coming back to them as you develop.

Building strong relationships with your teammates is another key piece of advice. Volleyball is a team sport, and the better you communicate and bond with your teammates, the more cohesive and effective your team will be. Invest time in understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and always support one another on and off the court.

Finally, never lose sight of your love for the game. While it is important to be competitive and ambitious, maintaining a genuine passion for volleyball will keep you motivated. Enjoy the journey, celebrate the small victories, and stay open to learning from every experience.

England Men's Volleyball squad for the Nordic Cup August 2024 1000 x 666

Personal Reflections

The most rewarding part of the entire Nordic Cup experience was the sense of accomplishment that came from representing my country on an international stage and knowing that all the hard work and preparation had paid off. Standing on the court with my teammates, competing against some of the best players in the region, and feeling the support from both the team and fans was incredibly fulfilling. Bonding with teammates and the personal growth I felt throughout the tournament were immensely rewarding. It wasn’t just about the matches we played but also about the journey we shared, the challenges we overcame, the moments of celebration, and the sense of unity that developed within the team.

Hearing that a top team in Denmark is interested in signing me after University was also rewarding, realising that it’s coming to the time where you gotta go for what you love and dream to be. Hopefully, over my last 2 seasons with Essex more interest comes in.

Overall I can say it was incredibly positive, and knowing any changes I would consider are more about fine-tuning than major adjustments. Every aspect of the journey taught me something, and those lessons will shape how I approach future challenges in volleyball.


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