It was the month of January. I was greeted by the cold breeze of winter while walking under the trees, surrounded by greeneries, buttercups, and daisies. People full of smiles seemingly excited for when the term starts. As I sipped some tea to warm myself, I felt a rather different warmth from the morning’s sunlight and the sound of leaves with the wind. But more differently, it was the comfort and warmth I got to feel from the chatter I hear and the happily conversations I see. It was then I realised, and told myself, “This is the place I was meant to be.”

The moment I stepped on the university, I have always thought of focusing on what I need to do for the time I have. Mainly the goal was to complete my postgraduate studies, but little did I know that the goal and expected outcomes you have from the start can become completely different by the time you finish. As for myself, in my first month as an Essex MBA, my goals have transformed from manageable to ambitious and from simple to bold. This is thanks to the University of Essex’s commitment to providing a transformative environment where you can learn and develop yourself to achieve your fullest potential. Aside from simply finishing my MBA, I then had the desire to, as much as I can, represent the Philippines as an MBA candidate with years of professional experience from a diverse background as well as challenge the status quo with the hope of making positive change happen in any of its forms.

As an advocate of further learning and diversity, during the course of my program, I had been given the opportunity to share my ideas and different views about how businesses are run and showcase the talent of Filipinos in the field of business management. Participating in class discussions, having in-depth conversations about organisation challenges, and leading in group presentations I always found fruitful. I have completed an excellent set of modules for the year - intensive ones if I may say - including sustainable operations, strategy, data and analytics, and social innovation and entrepreneurship. As someone passionate about research, sustainability, and collaborations, I had every day to forward my passion and bring them into discussion. In addition to the MBA modules, I have participated in the iTeams Programme of the Essex Startups, an 8-week programme which gave me an avenue to work with local business to solve a real-world business challenge.

Being ambitious with my goals partnered by my passion to contribute to positive change, I had the chance to be employed by and work with the university to deliver programmes for incoming partners and students and advance the reach of the university as a strong higher education institution in the country. Alongside the MBA, throughout the year, I did a number of special projects geared towards the assessment and development of programmes to help discover opportunities for the university. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to make a positive impact while doing my studies - a testament that the University of Essex is indeed a home of change-makers supporting its students in realising the change they can make both in personal and professional means.

Looking back, I believe that the highlights of my MBA journey were (no doubt) the hands-on and accelerated Consultancy Week and Business Planning Week. These weeks, which are part of the core of the Essex MBA, were designed to simulate real business scenarios and create a business environment wherein candidates can apply their learnings and experiences as a professional consultant (Consultancy Week) and business owner or expert (Business Planning Week). It was the huge value of shared learning and practice generated from these activities that made it best - evaluating and proposing bids, capturing entrepreneurial opportunities and making it work, running a business through its ups and downs, solving differing opinions and views, and prioritising the significance of team working. Despite the intensity, it was worth every effort put into these weeks as we have reflected that the amount of effort we put during the activities had come back double in terms of our holistic learning.

But I would say, my transformative journey with the Essex MBA and in overall with Essex (the university) was not possible without the existence and promotion of the university’s ethos. Aside from the university’s commitment to excellent teaching and research, I believe what set Essex apart was its mission to always put student success first - whoever you are. As an international student, I have always felt the supportive community that Essex has whether you come from different backgrounds and different walks of life. With my journey, the university has given me opportunities to grow and realise that I can do so much more. I can definitely say that the University of Essex has prepared me not only to excel but to thrive.

With the motivation to represent my country and inspire others, I have completed my MBA (with Distinction) this year and garnered several awards including the Big Essex Award, the MBA Dean’s Award 2023, and the MBA Dissertation/Project Prize Award for Best Project. This is me sending my gratitude to the university for recognising my hardwork and passion - which is something that all students have the opportunity of achieving.

My journey with Essex as a part of the Essex Business School and as a staff might have ended, but the ambition of inspiring more people to make change happen and create a positive impact to the world has just started. #IAmEssex and I will take these experiences with me to go through more transformative journeys while bringing positive impact one step at a time.