Kate Hollands joined the University of Essex on 13 September 2010. A graduate in Biological Sciences from the University of Edinburgh, prior to joining the University Kate spent almost ten years working for Cobb in the field of poultry genetics, initially in Research and Development and later as a Product Adviser, and spent one year working as a Management Trainee at Waitrose. At Cobb, she was able to specialise in her life-long interest in science. She excelled as the only woman in a male-dominated environment, travelling extensively in the UK and Europe, and impressing everyone she met. She subsequently took a break to have her two children – Amy and Alex – and in 2010 was looking to restart her career on a part-time basis, enabling her to continue to develop her professional career, alongside supporting her family.

Those of us who were on her interview panel all vividly remember our first encounter with Kate. She was intelligent, engaging, and impressive from the outset and stood out from all the other candidates. Her first University role was in the Faculty of Social Sciences as the Faculty Administrator and PA, and she spent seven years in the Social Sciences Faculty Team. It was testament to Kate’s exceptional qualities and abilities that she became our ‘go to’ person when there were gaps or particular needs to fill: in 2014, she covered maternity leave as the Faculty Employability Coordinator and then Placements Manager; in 2015, she was appointed as the Faculty Executive Officer; and, in 2017, stepped up to cover a six-month gap between Social Sciences Faculty Managers.

In July 2017, a vacancy arose in the School of Life Sciences, and Kate was appointed to the role of School Manager. For Kate, this was a dream job, enabling her to use her knowledge and experience in HE, and work in a School whose research and education disciplines matched her own interests and passion. Kate remained in the School Manager role for just over a year, and during that brief time developed a clear vision and sense of the contribution she could make to influence and benefit the future of the School.

Kate Hollands smiles with the sun shining over her shoulder.

In August 2018, Kate received a diagnosis of bowel cancer that was subsequently confirmed to be incurable, news that came out of the blue and devastated her, her family, and all of us who knew her. Unable to continue in her University role due both to the illness and the impact of her treatment, Kate refocused her energies on building her knowledge and becoming an expert in her own illness. Her diagnosis coincided with the publication of Jane McClelland’s book How to Starve Cancer which significantly influenced Kate’s approach, and with characteristic determination she pro-actively researched and engaged in a range of ground-breaking new treatments that could combat her illness both in the UK and overseas. To help support Kate through the first few months following her diagnosis, several of her University friends got together to compile a regular stream of silly videos from work to try to make her laugh and make sure that she knew we were all thinking of her. These made an enormous difference to her and had a lasting impact, and James, her husband, would like to pass on his thanks to all those who got involved. Alongside focusing on her own treatment, Kate took on a role supporting others who were in a similar situation to her own, becoming an administrator for an online forum and providing help to individuals directly. Taking inspiration from the silly videos she had been sent, she also made silly videos of her own as a means of providing support.

As a result of Kate’s determination and extraordinary resolve, she was able to support her children through their formative teenage years including GCSEs, A-levels, first job experiences, and university, and to support James with his business. She was also able to make a further contribution to the University of Essex when, in 2021, she was employed on a very part-time basis over an 18-month period to support the Social Sciences Q-Step Programme, writing a USG paper that resulted in the programme being mainstreamed into the University’s curriculum. Her determination also enabled her to make several milestone birthdays, including in 2024 her own 50th birthday and, in 2023, a ‘dream of a lifetime’ family adventure to the Maldives where she spent many pain-free hours swimming along the coral reefs with a turtle who she named Flo.

Kate spent the last six weeks of her life being cared for and supported by the team at St Helena Hospice, and whilst she was unable to get out of bed, continued to be mentally active, generously providing her friendship and kindness, and sharing her love with all of us who were privileged to spend time with her. She was an exceptional person: funny, intelligent, thoughtful, trustworthy, wise, a great listener, giving of her time, and someone who everyone went to for advice. She had many friendship groups – from her Edinburgh University days, her NCT group, parents of the friends of her children, and the University of Essex, but we also know that Kate’s impact went beyond her immediate friends and that she meant a great deal to many people.

Kate’s funeral is taking place at 10am on Monday 10 March at the Colchester Crematorium, followed by a celebration of her life at Wivenhoe House Hotel. Donations can be made to St Helena Hospice. Full details can be found on her online tributes page: Tribute to Katherine Hollands, 1974-2025.

This tribute was written by Emma Hardy with contributions from Karla Folkard, two of Kate’s friends and former colleagues, and Kate’s husband, James.