Our expert staff
Essex Business School has an international reputation for research on workplace inequalities and injustices. Research by our organisation studies and human resource management group covers:
- job insecurity and its consequences across cultures
- organisational change, transition and leadership
- sustainability, ethics and corporate social responsibility
- integrated health care, workplace wellbeing and mental health
- collective creativity and innovation
- emotional and aesthetic aspects of work and workplaces
You'll have the opportunity to hear from experts such as Dr Danielle Tucker, Reader, in Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management at Essex Business School.
Dr Tucker is an expert in public sector organisational change and has recently returned from a British Academy Innovation Fellowship where she worked with a change management consultancy company to develop a digital toolkit to support the recruitment, learning and development of change agents within organisations.
Her work investigates how change communication and key change managers influence the flow of information and ideas across organisational and divisional boundaries, to help us understand partnership working and collaboration arrangements in achieving system level change. Her research is regularly published in journals such as Human Relations, Journal of Business Ethics, and she is the co-author of a leading textbook on Organizational Change Management: Inclusion, Collaboration and Digital Change in Practice, along with Dr Stefano Cirella and Dr Paul Kelly who also contribute to this programme.
Dr Tucker is regularly invited to consult and support for public sector organisations (including Police, Local Authority, Local Government, NHS Trusts and health and social care providers), helping them to plan for and evaluate complex change management initiatives and understand the impact of the change on their employees and stakeholders.
The research activities of academics in our organisation studies and human resource management group is supported by the Centre for Work, Organisation and Society (CWOS) which brings together interdisciplinary research on work, society and organisational life. The Centre's research draws on the humanities and social sciences, bringing in perspectives from disciplines such as cultural studies, history, literary theory, philosophy, psychology, sociology and political economy.