If you are intending to follow a modular programme, please email msk@essex.ac.uk. You will be guided through how to apply and we will refer you to the relevant programme or module lead to discuss your plans.
From this discussion, a formal outline of the most suitable modules for your professional and personal circumstances will be produced, called a pathway plan. Although your plans may change over time, this formal document helps us plan delivery of modules over the coming years, and it helps your sponsor to plan funding arrangements as appropriate.
Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)
We recognise the importance of your previous academic learning and professional experience, and you can use both to gain credit value towards the specific programme you are interested in, known as Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning or APEL.
APEL is dependent on many factors. If you are interested in this option please email us at cpd@essex.ac.uk before you apply. It is necessary to highlight any prior learning before you apply as the modules you wish to study may be dependent on this. For further information on our AP(E)L procedure, please review the University's Quality Enhancement information.
Please note: there is an administration fee for the APEL process request which can be found on our fees document (.docx)
Application forms and supporting documents
Once you have had your pathway discussion with the relevant programme lead and, if relevant, spoken to the CPD Lead about APEL, you will need to fill in an application form and send it through to our School.
Note: Please initially check the module you are interested in as there may be additional documents required:
MSc Programme application
Module application
If you are interested in applying for a specific module, you will need to complete the module application form:
Your application and funding
If you are being funded by your employer, please obtain your line manager's signature once you have completed the application form including how payment will be made and, if you work within the NHS, forward to your Education Liaison Manager for processing.
If you are self-funded, please complete the application form providing the required information and forward to our contracts administrator, who will then instruct you on how to make payments.
If you are being funded by a charitable organisation, please complete the application form, with the signature of the person providing the funds and the way in which they will be paying, and forward to our contracts administrator, who will then instruct your sponsor on how to make payments.
Once we have received your signed and completed application form we will write to confirm if you have been successful in gaining a place.
Module contact: Contact the team at msk@essex.ac.uk.
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