Undergraduate Course

Integrated Master in Science: Mathematics and Data Science

Now In Clearing
Integrated Master in Science: Mathematics and Data Science


The details
Mathematics and Data Science
October 2024
4 years
Colchester Campus

Data is the lifeblood of our society and mathematics is the language that underpins the science of understanding that data. From medicine to government offices, and market research to the environment, the collection and analysis of data is crucial to understanding how to improve, create and guide products and services across the globe. The techniques we use to model and manipulate data guide the political, financial and social decisions that shape our modern society and are the basis of growth of the economy and success of businesses. Technology is growing and evolving at an incredible speed, and both the rate of growth of data we generate and the devices we use to process it can only increase.

Our MSci Mathematics and Data Science is an Integrated Masters course that will cover key skills in mathematics and data science giving you the opportunity to apply theory and methods to real-world problems. You will foster your understanding of mathematics, develop skills to use smart devices efficiently and use statistical techniques and methods to interpret and exploit big data.

Skill with programming is crucial in managing processes and databases, analysing data sets and developing data processing pipelines. This course will introduce you to Python and R for statistical analysis and data visualisation. In the latter years of your degree, you will undertake a Capstone project, allowing you to apply the techniques you've learned to a data science topic of your own.

Topics include:

  • Mathematical skills including, applied mathematics, pure mathematics and optimisation
  • Computer science and programming
  • Statistics and operations research
  • Artificial intelligence, databases and information retrieval
  • Ethical issues around the use and processing of data
  • Specialist skills in the areas of big data, data analytics and data science

Our Integrated Masters gives you the opportunity to fast track your degree and complete your final year in nine months compared to a regular MSc which usually takes twelve months. Combining your undergraduate and postgraduate study in one degree will give you a strong theoretical background as well as specialist expertise through independent research. This combination makes graduates from our course attractive candidates for many employers.

Our interdisciplinary research recognises that mathematics, including what can be very abstract mathematics, is an essential part of research in many other disciplines. You therefore can gain an exceptional range of knowledge and skills that are currently in demand in mathematically oriented employment; in business, commerce, industry, government service, education and in the wider economy.

Why we're great.
  • You have access to our ultramodern facilities at our STEM Centre.
  • We're 13th in the UK for Mathematics in the Guardian University Guide 2024.
  • 86% of Essex graduates are in employment or further study (Graduate Outcomes 2024).

Our expert staff

We are also home to many of the world's top scientists, and our staff are driven by creativity and imagination as well as technical excellence. We conduct world-leading research in areas such as explorative data analysis, classification and clustering, evolutionary computation, data visualisation and financial forecasting. As well as being world-class academics, our staff are award-winning teachers. Many of our academics have won national or regional awards for lecturing, and many of them are qualified and accredited teachers – something which is very rare at a university.

Our School is committed to providing you with the academic support you need to succeed. Our flexible policy means some staff are always available, whilst others maintain regular drop-in times. Staff are always happy to arrange appointments for longer discussions, and no issue is too big or too small.

Specialist facilities

  • In addition to teaching, we have a Maths Support Centre, which offers help to students on a range of mathematical problems. Throughout term-time, we can chat through mathematical problems either on a one-to-one or small group basis
  • We have a dedicated social and study space for maths students in the School, which is situated in the STEM Centre
  • We have six laboratories that are exclusively for computer science students. Three are open 24/7, and you have free access to the labs except when there is a scheduled practical class in progress
  • We also have specialist facilities for research into areas including non-invasive brain-computer interfaces, intelligent environments, robotics, optoelectronics, video, RF and MW, printed circuit milling, and semiconductors

Your future

Demand for skilled graduates in the areas of mathematics, big data and data science is growing rapidly in both the public and private sector, and there is a predicted shortage of data scientists with the skills to understand and make commercial decisions based on the analysis of big data.

A successful career in data science requires you to possess truly interdisciplinary knowledge, so we'll ensure you graduate with a wide-ranging yet specialised set of skills in this area. You are taught mainly within our School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science and our School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, but also benefit from input from our Essex Business School, and our Essex Pathways Department. Mathematicians and data scientists are required in every sector, carrying out statistical analysis or mining data on social media, so our course can open the door to almost any industry, from health, to government, to publishing.

Essex is bridging the gap between academia and business, and we are at the forefront of helping the UK grasp the big data opportunities to get ahead in the global race. Our graduates in data science have been very successful in finding employment in the public sector, consulting, technology, retail, and utilities, while a number have gone on to postgraduate study or research.

We have a large pool of external contacts, ranging from companies providing robots for the media industry, through vehicle diagnostics, to the transforming of unstructured data to cloud-based multidimensional data cubes, who work with us and our students to provide advice, placements and eventually graduate opportunities.

We also work with our University's Student Development Team to help you find out about further work experience, internships, placements, and voluntary opportunities.

Entry requirements

Clearing entry requirements

We currently have places available in Clearing across a range of our courses with most offers at BBC-CCD (112 – 88 UCAS tariff points) or equivalent. 

We consider each application individually and requirements may be lower for our courses with a foundation year, so please get in touch if your grades are below those outlined here.

English language requirements

English language requirements for applicants whose first language is not English: IELTS 6.0 overall, or specified score in another equivalent test that we accept.

Details of English language requirements, including component scores, and the tests we accept for applicants who require a Student visa (excluding Nationals of Majority English Speaking Countries) can be found here

If we accept the English component of an international qualification it will be included in the academic levels listed above for the relevant countries.

English language shelf-life

Most English language qualifications have a validity period of 5 years. The validity period of Pearson Test of English, TOEFL and CBSE or CISCE English is 2 years.

If you require a Student visa to study in the UK please see our immigration webpages for the latest Home Office guidance on English language qualifications.

Pre-sessional English courses

If you do not meet our IELTS requirements then you may be able to complete a pre-sessional English pathway that enables you to start your course without retaking IELTS.

Pending English language qualifications

You don’t need to achieve the required level before making your application, but it will be one of the conditions of your offer.

If you cannot find the qualification that you have achieved or are pending, then please email ugquery@essex.ac.uk .

Requirements for second and final year entry

Different requirements apply for second and final year entry, and specified component grades are also required for applicants who require a visa to study in the UK. Details of English language requirements, including UK Visas and Immigration minimum component scores, and the tests we accept for applicants who require a Student visa (excluding Nationals of Majority English Speaking Countries) can be found here

Additional Notes

If you’re an international student, but do not meet the English language or academic requirements for direct admission to this degree, you could prepare and gain entry through a pathway course. Find out more about opportunities available to you at the University of Essex International College


Course structure

We offer a flexible course structure with a mixture of core/compulsory modules, and optional modules chosen from lists.

Our research-led teaching is continually evolving to address the latest challenges and breakthroughs in the field. The course content is therefore reviewed on an annual basis to ensure our courses remain up-to-date so modules listed are subject to change.

We understand that deciding where and what to study is a very important decision for you. We'll make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the courses, services and facilities as described on our website and in line with your contract with us. However, if we need to make material changes, for example due to significant disruption, we'll let our applicants and students know as soon as possible.

Components and modules explained


Components are the blocks of study that make up your course. A component may have a set module which you must study, or a number of modules from which you can choose.

Each component has a status and carries a certain number of credits towards your qualification.

Status What this means
You must take the set module for this component and you must pass. No failure can be permitted.
Core with Options
You can choose which module to study from the available options for this component but you must pass. No failure can be permitted.
You must take the set module for this component. There may be limited opportunities to continue on the course/be eligible for the qualification if you fail.
Compulsory with Options
You can choose which module to study from the available options for this component. There may be limited opportunities to continue on the course/be eligible for the qualification if you fail.
You can choose which module to study from the available options for this component. There may be limited opportunities to continue on the course/be eligible for the qualification if you fail.

The modules that are available for you to choose for each component will depend on several factors, including which modules you have chosen for other components, which modules you have completed in previous years of your course, and which term the module is taught in.


Modules are the individual units of study for your course. Each module has its own set of learning outcomes and assessment criteria and also carries a certain number of credits.

In most cases you will study one module per component, but in some cases you may need to study more than one module. For example, a 30-credit component may comprise of either one 30-credit module, or two 15-credit modules, depending on the options available.

Modules may be taught at different times of the year and by a different department or school to the one your course is primarily based in. You can find this information from the module code. For example, the module code HR100-4-FY means:

HR 100  4  FY

The department or school the module will be taught by.

In this example, the module would be taught by the Department of History.

The module number. 

The UK academic level of the module.

A standard undergraduate course will comprise of level 4, 5 and 6 modules - increasing as you progress through the course.

A standard postgraduate taught course will comprise of level 7 modules.

A postgraduate research degree is a level 8 qualification.

The term the module will be taught in.

  • AU: Autumn term
  • SP: Spring term
  • SU: Summer term
  • FY: Full year 
  • AP: Autumn and Spring terms
  • PS: Spring and Summer terms
  • AS: Autumn and Summer terms



This module will allow you to build your knowledge of differentiation and integration, how you can solve first and second order differential equations, Taylor Series and more.

View Calculus on our Module Directory


Matrices and Complex Numbers

Matrices and complex numbers are two fundamental concepts which arise throughout mathematics. In this module you will be introduced to these objects and learn fundamental techniques for working with them in a variety of contexts.

View Matrices and Complex Numbers on our Module Directory


Statistics I

In this module you will learn the fundamentals of probability and statistics, including axioms and combinatorial analysis, distributions, and independence conditions. You will learn how to apply the addition rule of probability and construct diagrams to visually represent data sets. The course also covers the use of descriptive statistics to analyse data and provides hands-on experience with the R software package.

View Statistics I on our Module Directory


Discrete Mathematics

This module will provide you with a foundation of knowledge on the mathematics of sets and relations. You will develop an appreciation of mathematical proof techniques, including proof by induction.

View Discrete Mathematics on our Module Directory


Mathematical and Computational Modelling

This module introduces programming skills and their applications in a range of mathematical contexts. Mathematical modelling skills will be an important focus, along with structuring and implementing code in MATLAB and R. To help you consolidate these skills, a key part of the module will be investigative computational modelling studies.

View Mathematical and Computational Modelling on our Module Directory


Introduction to Geometry, Algebra, and Number theory

Want to develop your mathematical skills by solving a variety of problems? Keen to write elegant and fluent mathematical arguments? In this module you will encounter a range of problem-solving techniques for situations across mathematics, including calculus, algebra, combinatorics, geometry and mechanics.

View Introduction to Geometry, Algebra, and Number theory on our Module Directory


Mechanics and Relativity

This module provides an in-depth introduction to ideas from Newtonian mechanics and dynamics which have played a crucial role in the evolution of mathematics. You will apply these ideas in various physical contexts, and develop your skills and understanding through the use of relevant software packages.

View Mechanics and Relativity on our Module Directory


Mathematics Careers and Employability

What skills do you need to succeed during your studies? What about after university? How will you harness your knowledge and soft skills to realise your career goals? This module helps you take an active role in developing transferrable skills and capitalising on your unique background. As well as broad reflection on your professional development, this module will help you explore different career directions and prepare you for the application process, supported by an advisor from within the department.

View Mathematics Careers and Employability on our Module Directory


Real Analysis

How do we rigorously discuss notions of infinity and the infinitely small? When do limits and derivatives of functions make sense? This module introduces the mathematics underlying modern calculus. Fundamental theorems are proved about sets, sequences and series of real numbers, and about continuous and differentiable functions of a single real variable.

View Real Analysis on our Module Directory


Vector Calculus

In this module, you will learn how to extend techniques from calculus to vector-valued systems, through classical concepts such as gradient, divergence and curl. You will learn central theorems about these operators, and examine various applications and examples.

View Vector Calculus on our Module Directory


Statistics II

This module continues your journey into probability and statistics. Topics include distribution theory, estimation and Maximum Likelihood estimators, hypothesis testing, basic linear regression and multiple linear regression. You will continue to develop your skills with implementations in R.

View Statistics II on our Module Directory


Ordinary Differential Equations

Ordinary differential equations are the backbone of much applied mathematics, arising everywhere that a physical, financial or other system changes continuously. This module introduces techniques for studying classes of linear and nonlinear differential equations, and for interpreting their solutions.

View Ordinary Differential Equations on our Module Directory


Linear Algebra

Linear systems are some of the most widely-applied concepts in modern algebra. Beginning with the abstract axiomatic definitions of vectors, vector spaces and linear maps, this module allows you to derive powerful methods for understanding many different systems in mathematics and science.

View Linear Algebra on our Module Directory


Abstract Algebra

The module introduces you to the key abstract algebraic objects of groups, rings and fields and develops their fundamental theory. The theory will be illustrated and made concrete through numerous examples in settings that you will already have encountered.

View Abstract Algebra on our Module Directory


Options from list


Mathematics Careers and Employability

What skills do you need to succeed during your studies? What about after university? How will you harness your knowledge and soft skills to realise your career goals? This module helps you take an active role in developing transferrable skills and capitalising on your unique background. As well as broad reflection on your professional development, this module will help you explore different career directions and prepare you for the application process, supported by an advisor from within the department.

View Mathematics Careers and Employability on our Module Directory


Complex Variables

This module extends analytical and algebraic techniques to functions of complex variables, and their applications. You will develop powerful tools for studying functions via their zeroes and poles, including the powerful Residue Theorem for calculating real integrals.

View Complex Variables on our Module Directory


Capstone Project: Mathematics

A Capstone Project is a self-study module which allows you to step out of the classroom and gain experience of a topic from mathematical sciences beyond your taught modules. You will develop your independent research skills, as well as report-writing and communication skills, both written and oral.

View Capstone Project: Mathematics on our Module Directory


Options from list


Options from list


Mathematics Careers and Employability

What skills do you need to succeed during your studies? What about after university? How will you harness your knowledge and soft skills to realise your career goals? This module helps you take an active role in developing transferrable skills and capitalising on your unique background. As well as broad reflection on your professional development, this module will help you explore different career directions and prepare you for the application process, supported by an advisor from within the department.

View Mathematics Careers and Employability on our Module Directory


Advanced Capstone Project: Actuarial Science, Data Science or Mathematics

An Advanced Capstone Project is an independent study module, on a topic of your choosing which relates to your course. Not only will you develop your subject knowledge, but you will also develop vital skills such as independent research skills, report-writing and presentation skills. This provides an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your time-management skills and ability to communicate complex ideas.

View Advanced Capstone Project: Actuarial Science, Data Science or Mathematics on our Module Directory


Machine Learning

Humans can often perform a task extremely well (e.g., telling cats from dogs) but are unable to understand and describe the decision process followed. Without this explicit knowledge, we cannot write computer programs that can be used by machines to perform the same task. “Machine learning” is the study and application of methods to learn such algorithms automatically from sets of examples, just like babies can learn to tell cats from dogs simply by being shown examples of dogs and cats by their parents. Machine learning has proven particularly suited to cases such as optical character recognition, dictation software, language translators, fraud detection in financial transactions, and many others.

View Machine Learning on our Module Directory


Applied Regression and Experimental Data Analysis

This module is concerned with the application of regression models to the analysis of data. The underlying assumptions will be discussed and general results are obtained using matrices. You will be introduced to the standard approach to the analysis of normally distributed data using ANOVA, as well as the methods for the design and analysis of efficient experiments. The general methodology is extended to nonlinear regression, generalised regression and the analysis of multidimensional contingency tables.

View Applied Regression and Experimental Data Analysis on our Module Directory


Options from list


Undergraduate students in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science typically attend three taught hours per module per week, for example, this could be two hours of lectures and one class/lab every week, but this will vary dependent upon the module.


  • You are assessed through a combination of written examinations and coursework
  • All our modules include a significant coursework element
  • You receive regular feedback on your progress through in-term tests
  • Courses are assessed on the results of your written examinations, together with continual assessments of your practical work and coursework

Fees and funding

Home/UK fee

£9,250 per year

International fee

£20,500 per year

Fees will increase for each academic year of study.

What's next

Open Days

Our events are a great way to find out more about studying at Essex. We run a number of Open Days throughout the year which enable you to discover what our campus has to offer. You have the chance to:

  • tour our campus and accommodation
  • find out answers to your questions about our courses, student finance, graduate employability, student support and more
  • meet our students and staff

Check out our Visit Us pages to find out more information about booking onto one of our events. And if the dates aren’t suitable for you, feel free to book a campus tour here.

2024 Open Days (Colchester Campus)

  • Saturday 17 August 2024 - Colchester Clearing Open Day
  • Saturday 21 September 2024 - September Open Day
  • Saturday 26 October 2024 - October Open Day

How to apply during Clearing

Once you’ve checked that we have the right course for you, applying couldn’t be simpler. Fill in our quick and easy Clearing application form with as much detail as you can. We’ll then take a look and get back to you with a decision.


We don’t interview all applicants during Clearing, however, we will only make offers for the following courses after a successful interview:

  • BA Multimedia Journalism
  • BSc Nursing (Adult)
  • BSc Nursing (Mental Health)
  • BA Social Work

The interview allows our academics to find out more about you, and in turn you’ll be able to ask us any questions you might have. Further details will be emailed to you if you are shortlisted for interview.

Apply now
A sunny day with banners flying on Colchester Campus Square 4.

Visit Colchester Campus

Set within 200 acres of award-winning parkland - Wivenhoe Park and located two miles from the historic city centre of Colchester – England's oldest recorded development. Our Colchester Campus is also easily reached from London and Stansted Airport in under one hour.

View from Square 2 outside the Rab Butler Building looking towards Square 3

Virtual tours

If you live too far away to come to Essex (or have a busy lifestyle), no problem. Our 360 degree virtual tours allows you to explore our University from the comfort of your home. Check out our Colchester virtual tour and Southend virtual tour to see accommodation options, facilities and social spaces.

At Essex we pride ourselves on being a welcoming and inclusive student community. We offer a wide range of support to individuals and groups of student members who may have specific requirements, interests or responsibilities.

Find out more

The University makes every effort to ensure that this information on its programme specification is accurate and up-to-date. Exceptionally it can be necessary to make changes, for example to courses, facilities or fees. Examples of such reasons might include, but are not limited to: strikes, other industrial action, staff illness, severe weather, fire, civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack (whether declared or not), natural disaster, restrictions imposed by government or public authorities, epidemic or pandemic disease, failure of public utilities or transport systems or the withdrawal/reduction of funding. Changes to courses may for example consist of variations to the content and method of delivery of programmes, courses and other services, to discontinue programmes, courses and other services and to merge or combine programmes or courses. The University will endeavour to keep such changes to a minimum, and will also keep students informed appropriately by updating our programme specifications. The University would inform and engage with you if your course was to be discontinued, and would provide you with options, where appropriate, in line with our Compensation and Refund Policy.

The full Procedures, Rules and Regulations of the University governing how it operates are set out in the Charter, Statutes and Ordinances and in the University Regulations, Policy and Procedures.

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