
Judgement day: Fulfilment through forgiveness

Jacob Dunne

  • Wed 29 Nov 17

    14:00 - 15:00

  • Colchester Campus

    Ivor Crewe Lecture Building Auditorium B

  • Event speaker

    Jacob Dunne

  • Event type

    Lectures, talks and seminars
    The THINK Series

  • Event organiser

    Corporate events

  • Contact details

    Veronica Anspach

Judgement day: Fulfilment through forgiveness

In 2011 Jacob Dunne fatally knocked a man to his death in an unprovoked attack. As a result he received a two-and-a-half-year custodial sentence for manslaughter of which he served 14 months.

On leaving prison Jacob found himself homeless, unemployed and struggling to get his life back on track. Two months later however his probation officer contacted him to ask if he had ever heard of restorative justice.

She told him that the parents of the man he killed wanted to ask him some questions about that night. It was at this moment that he realised there were people involved in this crime who had been more harmed than him. After some reflection he decided that the very least he could do was help them make sense out of what had happened.

At this event Matt Lodder will be talking to both Jacob Dunne and to Joan Scourfield, the mother of the man he killed. They will share with us how meeting through restorative justice has brought healing and helped both of them shape a better future.

No need to register for this free event - just turn up. 

Part of the THINK Series.