
Crossing the Lines: Finding Voice and Identity In Unfamiliar Places

An Experiential Group Relations Conference

  • Sat 2 - Sun 3 Mar 19


  • Southend Campus

  • Event speaker

    Chris Tanner, University of Essex, Jo-anne Carlyle, University of Exeter

  • Event type


  • Event organiser

    Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, Department of

  • Contact details

    Chris Tanner
    01206 873962

This conference is an experiential learning event designed to support reflection at a time of significant change.

At international, national and community level this is a period of “shifting sands”.  With so much personal and social movement, what does it take to hold one’s place?  Equally, how do we find the courage to encounter the new, instead of just defending one’s position.  These are the proposed themes of the conference.

This event is for all those who are interested in exploring aspects of leadership, followership and their role in the workplace and elsewhere. The weekend consists of a range of small group, large group and inter-group events which enable participants to learn about the impact they have on others, and the impact others have on them, in a managed context.

The conference makes use group relations methodology. It is designed and delivered by staff and associates of the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex.

Conference Fee

£550 for external participants - £50 early bird  discount for bookings made by  28 January 2019.
£500  concessions - £50 early bird discount  for bookings made by 28 January 2019.

Conference Accommodation

The conference is full board with single room accommodation provided for all participants.

Register your place