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Evaluating the impact of public services

Festival of Social Science 2019

Are you responsible for allocating public resources? We have just the tools to help you...

Evaluating the impact of public services

Join this workshop aimed at professionals working in Local Authorities and third sector organisations, to gain access to a method specifically designed to evaluate the impact of public service projects.

Are you responsible for making decisions about how to allocate scarce public resources? When budgets are tight, how do you decide which projects deserve public money? Work with us to learn about evaluation tools and best practices as we help you evaluate the impact of your decisions. The Spotlight Toolkit has been developed to help you evaluate the impact of your projects with confidence.

This event will be lead by Dr Gina Yannitell Reinhardt from the Department of Government. The event will run from 2pm - 4pm on Wednesday 6 November at the The Forum, at the Southend campus at the University of Essex.

This event is part of the nationwide Festival Of Social Science, it is open to the public and completely free of charge.

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