
The Logic of Institutional Logics

The Essex Accounting Centre (EAC) warmly invite you to join guest speaker Dr Carlos Aviña Vazquez from Panamerican University as he discussed his work on Pierre Bourdieu's metatheory and institutional logics.

  • Thu 21 Jan 21

    16:00 - 17:30

  • Online


  • Event speaker

    Dr Carlos Rafael Aviña Vazquez, Panamerican University (Universidad Panamericana)

  • Event type

    Lectures, talks and seminars
    Essex Accounting Centre (EAC) Research Seminar Series

  • Event organiser

    Essex Business School

  • Contact details

    Dr Danson Kimani

The aim of the Essex Accounting Centre (EAC) research seminar series is to support our world-class research activities in four key areas; social responsibility and corporate governance; (management) accounting change (in privatised, public and third sectors); global development, corruption and accountability; and reporting, regulation and capital markets. The seminar series is also expected to promote interdisciplinary research that links the work of members of the centre with others both within the university and with external institutions.

Seminar abstract

When competing theories are at stake in the scientific field, it is expected that scholars trying to impose their world view will neglect the validity of the theories of whom they consider to be their opponents.

That is the case of Roger Friedland (2009), who after a slightly reading Pierre Bourdieu's theory of practice was dazzled and dissatisfied with his theory.

Then, Thornton, Ocasio and Lounsbury (2012) transformed institutional theory in what they called institutional logics.

In their own words, institutional logics "is intuitively attractive, but arguably difficult to define and even harder to apply in an analytical useful manner" (2012, pp. 1).

On the other hand, Pierre Bourdieu's metatheoretical framework has been extensively applied in the Anglo-American scientific community.

In this presentation, Dr Carlos Aviña Vazquez does not attempt to defend Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical framework against those who do not understand it. On the contrary, the aim is simpler, it is to create a dialogue between Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical framework and the logic of institutional logics.


This seminar is free to attend with no need to book in advance. Please feel free to share with friends, colleagues and classmates.

Seminar link

Speaker bio

Dr Carlos Aviña Vazquez is a Professor of Financial Accounting at Panamerican University (Universidad Panamericana) in Mexico, where he teaches and also conducts research in the area of financial accounting.

He has also previously held various positions such as manager, accountant and internal auditor in the commercial manufacturing and financial services sectors in Mexico.

Prior to that Carlos obtained two undergraduate degrees; one in accounting (1986) and the other in Law (2005) from the University of Guadalajara; an MA in Accounting and Finance Management (1996); MRes in Accounting , School of Accounting, Finance and Management (2007) and a PhD in Accounting (2012), with the last 3 from the Essex Business School.