
30 Minute Talks on Research: Should we trust survey findings?

Research into survey methods

  • Tue 8 Mar 22

    13:30 - 14:00

  • Online


  • Event speaker

    Professor Peter Lynn

  • Event type

    Lectures, talks and seminars

  • Event organiser

    Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Contact details

    Claire Hudson

Surveys are ubiquitous. Survey findings are frequently quoted by politicians, commentators, advisors, businesses, news media and on social media. But should we believe them? And what do they mean? The accuracy of survey findings depends primarily on who the data were collected from (the sample), what data were collected (the measures) and how they were collected (the measurement method). A considerable body of research exists into the effects of various aspects of survey methods on the quality of subsequent findings. Much of this research has been carried out here at Essex by our world-leading survey methods team. This presentation will provide an overview of the kinds of research that we carry out and some findings that have influenced survey practice. I will also briefly give some insights into career opportunities for survey methodologists.


This talk will follow The World's Rusts Belts at 1.30pm with Dr Michel Serafinelli, Department of Economics

Register for both talks

A lecture being held in the Ivor Crewe building, University of Essex, with students listening.
Explore the full 30 minute research talks series

This series of talks is open to students and staff within the Faculty of Social Science and is a chance to find out about the varied and exciting areas of research that are being conducted by research staff within the University of Essex. You’re invited to register for all events, or individual talks that may interest you, and there may be a chance in some talks to ask questions at the end of the session.

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