
30 Minute Talks on Research: The World’s Rust Belts

  • Tue 8 Mar 22

    13:00 - 13:30

  • Online


  • Event speaker

    Dr Michel Serafinelli

  • Event type

    Lectures, talks and seminars

  • Event organiser

    Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Contact details

    Claire Hudson

This talk documents a study on the local employment consequences of the aggregate manufacturing decline in the US, Western Europe and Japan since the 1970s using a newly-assembled dataset. It shows a significant heterogeneity in employment growth across local labour markets in the decades following the start of manufacturing decline, even within the group of manufacturing capitals which were more strongly affected by the country-level trend. This talk will show a positive relation between local human capital at the start of manufacturing decline and employment performance in the following decades, particularly in knowledge intensive services. Overall, the estimates suggest that skills are important for local reinvention.

Follow Michel on Twitter - @MichSerafinelli

The talk is based on a research project joint with L. Gagliardi (@GagliarL) at Bocconi U (@unibocconi) and E. Moretti at Berkeley (@berkeleyecon).

This talk will precede Should we trust survey findings? at 1pm with Professor Peter Lynn (ISER)

Register for both talks
A lecture being held in the Ivor Crewe building, University of Essex, with students listening.
Explore the full 30 minute research talks series

This series of talks is open to students and staff within the Faculty of Social Science and is a chance to find out about the varied and exciting areas of research that are being conducted by research staff within the University of Essex. You’re invited to register for all events, or individual talks that may interest you, and there may be a chance in some talks to ask questions at the end of the session.

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