
Money and Psychoanalysis: Economies of Care

  • Fri 13 - Sat 14 Oct 23


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    University College School (UCS) Hampstead and the Freud Museum London

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  • Event organiser

    Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies, Department of

  • Contact details

    Raluca Soreanu

We are delighted to announce the conference Money and Psychoanalysis: Economies of Care, organised by the FREEPSY project team in collaboration with the Freud Museum.

Money and its circulation have a fantasy dimension. At the same time, money is an important aspect of how care can be offered and organised.

In this conference, we are guided by a series of questions about the paradoxes and opportunities of money. How has money changed in our times? How can we make sense of alternative and anti-capitalist forms of circulation, and how do these appear in different fields of practice? What can psychoanalysis offer for understanding the issue of money? What does a psychosocial theory of value look like? What is the relationship between political economy and libidinal economy?

Finally, are we traversing a crisis of care, and if so, what are some creative attempts to initiate new forms of circulation, amounting to economies of care? We engage with these questions in an interdisciplinary conversation that brings together psychoanalysts, anthropologists, historians, and socio-political theorists to discuss the paradoxes of money and to explore ideas of value and circulation.

Speakers include: Giuseppe Cocco, Raluca Soreanu, Francisco J. González, Deivison Mendes Faustino, Dany Nobus, Dorothée Bonnigal-Katz, Tales Ab’Sáber, Daniel Feldmann, Deanne Bell, Guilaine Kinouani, Ian Parker, Jordan Osserman, Barry Watt, Ana Minozzo, Lizaveta van Munsteren, Ana Tomcic.

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Online, Freud Museum link

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Online Eventbrite link

The conference will end with a canapes and drinks reception on Saturday 14 October at 6pm at the Freud Museum London.