
International Open Access Week 2023

Join the global research community in celebrating Open Access Week. The theme focuses on community over commercialisation and with this in mind, the Research Services Team in the Library have co-organised a week long series of events with Library colleagues from the University of Derby.

  • Mon 23 - Fri 27 Oct 23


  • Online

  • Event type

    Lectures, talks and seminars

  • Event organiser


  • Contact details

    Research Services Team

This year, the global research community celebrates Open Access Week from 23 - 29 October. The theme focuses on community over commercialisation and with this in mind, the Research Services Team in Library Services have co-organised a week long series of events with library colleagues from the University of Derby.

We are so excited to be joined by expert guest speakers and panellists from across the UK and Europe, including colleagues from the University of Derby and the University of Essex, to celebrate and showcase how Open Access and Open Research endeavours are challenging the status quo.

The theme for this year is particularly pertinent given the efforts that we have seen in recent months as institutions across the country and beyond continue to embrace Open Research practices and policies, implement Rights Retention to empower their researchers and contest outdated and outmoded norms in research assessment and the culture of research more generally. Please join us to take part in the celebrations!

Please see below for a condensed program of events co-hosted with the University of Derby. All bookings are through their events calendar.

For full details, including speaker and panellist bios, please visit the event homepages via the links below where you can register. All sessions are being held online via Microsoft Teams and are open to everyone, including the public. Sessions will be recorded and shared post event.

Program of Events

Event Date and Time Booking
SciFree - Revolutionizing academic publishing, reducing costs for libraries, and empowering researchers. With Abeni Wickham. Monday 23 October, 11am to 12pm Online event, book now
Short Form Publications - Exploring challenges and progress in open access publishing. Panel discussion. Tuesday 24 October, 10am to 11am Online event,, book now
Open Science for Reproducible Research - Emphasizing transparency and ethical practices. With Malvika Sharan. Wednesday 25 October, 10am to 11am Online event, book now
Open Access Books - Discussing benefits, challenges, and global access. Panel discussion. Thursday 26 October, 11.30am to 12.30pm Online event, book now
Octopus - Innovative publishing model for collaboration and recognition. With Tim Fellows. Friday 27 October, 2pm to 3pm Online event, book now

If you have any questions about the week or Open Access more generally, please contact the Research Services Team on ressup@essex.ac.uk.