
Digital Editing with COVE (Collaborative Organisation for Virtual Education)

Essex hosts COVE founder, Professor Dino Franco Felluga of Purdue University, for a talk about the digital editing platform

  • Mon 4 Dec 23

    14:00 - 16:00

  • Colchester Campus

    Ivor Crewe Seminar Room

  • Event speaker

    Professor Dino Franco Felluga

  • Event type

    Lectures, talks and seminars

  • Event organiser

    Faculty of Humanities

  • Contact details

    Professor Katharine Cockin

We are very excited to be the first UK university to subscribe to COVE, a digital editing platform, which provides opportunities for our students and researchers to learn how to become editors and to produce new editions. Join us for an event that aims to spread the word about what COVE offers and how it will transform the reading experience in many subjects, in arts and humanities and beyond.


The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Literary Studies and Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Essex is delighted to host COVE founder, Professor Dino Franco Felluga, Purdue University, to talk about the digital editing platform.

COVE stands for Collaborative Organisation of Virtual Education. It’s a platform that enables digitised texts to be accessed and edited. This enables users to create their own editions and add annotations. For students interested in a future career in publishing, COVE provides guidance on how to edit and develop skills.  An excellent example of the wider benefits of COVE is a project led by Professor Felluga at Purdue University to diversify the curriculum. 

All are welcome to attend, but please RSVP to Professor Katharine Cockin for catering purposes by Friday 1st December 2023.