
Holocaust Memorial Service

Holocaust Memorial Week: Please join us for our service, which is based on a Friday evening synagogue service.

  • Fri 26 Jan 24

    00:00 - 00:00

  • Colchester Campus

  • Event type

    Ceremonies and receptions
    Holocaust Memorial Week

  • Event organiser

    Corporate events

  • Contact details

    Holly Ward
    01206 873270

Please join us for our service, which is based on a Friday evening synagogue service.

There will be readings and reflections in the spirit of peace and friendship. This service is open to all.

For further information about the Service, please email events@essex.ac.uk or to register to attend the service (in-person or virtually), please visit our Eventbrite page.

To find out more about other events taking place during Holocaust Memorial Week, please visit our webpage.