
Public auditing in the delegated sphere: Implications for governance

  • Wed 12 Jun 24

    12:00 - 14:00

  • Online

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  • Event speaker

    Dr Tobias Polzer, WU Vienna

  • Event type

    Lectures, talks and seminars
    Essex Accounting Centre (EAC) Research Seminar Series

  • Event organiser

    Essex Business School

  • Contact details

    Dr Andre Lino

The aim of the Essex Accounting Centre (EAC) research seminar series is to support our world-class research activities in five key areas: accounting and global development; capital Markets, audit, regulation & reporting; publicness and resilience, precarity, exclusion & social justice; and environment, climate change & vulnerability. The seminar series is also expected to promote inter-disciplinary research that links the work of members of the centre with others both within the university and with external institutions.

Seminar summary

Delegated governance is a defining feature of modern public sectors around the globe. In such settings, a variety of decentralized providers delivers public services while the accountability for service delivery remains with the administration. The management of relationships with providers has therefore become a critical administrative task. Public audit institutions occupy a central position in these relationships that has so far been largely under-researched and poorly understood. Our work unpacks how administrative units react to audits that identify performance and coordination issues in service delivery. Investigating delegated governance in the City of Vienna, our findings demonstrate that administrative units respond by authoritative measures – but also reach out for dialogue with providers. Conceptually, audits therefore strengthen administrative accountability and lead to improved relationship management in settings of delegated governance.


How to attend this seminar

This seminar will take place on Wednesday 12 June 2024 at 12pm.

We welcome you to join us online.

This seminar is free to attend with no need to register in advance.


Speaker bio

Dr Tobias Polzer

To­bi­as Pol­zer is assistant professor at the Institute for Organization Studies at WU Vi­en­na. He received a PhD in Pu­blic Ma­nage­ment from WU. Tobias was pre­vious­ly em­ploy­ed at Queen's Uni­ver­si­ty Bel­fast, the Uni­ver­si­ty of Essex and the University of Sussex. He was vi­si­ting re­se­ar­cher at UNSW Syd­ney (Aus­tra­lia), Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty (USA) and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Queens­land (Aus­tra­lia). In 2021, he was visiting professor at the University of Macerata (Italy).

Tobias is Editorial Board Member of European Management Journal (EMR), Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management (JPBAFM), International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM) and Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies (JAEE).