
Tree Treasure Trail

  • Sat 20 Jul 24

    14:00 - 16:30

  • Colchester Campus

    Art Exchange

  • Event type

    Arts, culture and performances

  • Event organiser

    Art Exchange

  • Contact details

Join us for a Treasure Trail around Wivenhoe Park!

Artist Elaine Tribley has created a new map of Wivenhoe Park, that leads us on a journey of discovery, taking in the parkland's most beautiful trees. With challenges to overcome on the way, it's a wonderful way to explore this hidden gem of a park.

At each tree there is something for you to collect and bring back to Elaine, and together we will play with clay, making the animals and trees featured in John Constable's famous painting 'Wivenhoe Park'. Painted in 1816, this amazing painting now lives at the National Gallery in Washington, USA, but it was first painted on an easel here in Wivenhoe Park!

Admission free, all welcome, no booking required.

Suitable for all ages.

Do consider wearing sensible shoes as the parkland can be muddy in places if its been raining.

This event has been made possible through the Essex County Council Arts and Cultural Fund, which supports organisations and creative practitioners to deliver an exciting range of activities to engage with and bring communities in Essex together.

A family of four miniature cows (made out of clay) enjoying a nice day out in Wivenhoe Park.