
Foraging in Wivenhoe Park

  • Sat 10 Aug 24

    14:00 - 16:30

  • Colchester Campus

    Art Exchange

  • Event type

    Arts, culture and performances

  • Event organiser

    Art Exchange

  • Contact details

Join Lora Aziz , wildcrafter, artist and author, for a foraging walk around Wivenhoe Park followed by arts activities back at Art Exchange.

Lora will lead us on a foraging expedition around Wivenhoe Park. We will identify local plants including which ones are edible, medicinal and used in a variety of traditional ways. Together we will gather plants as we explore the natural wonders of Wivenhoe Park.

We will then head back to Art Exchange for arts activities inspired by what we find. We'll even see if we can make a cuppa with some of the plants we've foraged!

Admission free and suitable for all ages. No booking required.

Do consider wearing sensible shoes as the parkland can be muddy in places if it's been raining.

This event has been made possible through the Essex County Council Arts and Cultural Fund, which supports organisations and creative practitioners to deliver an exciting range of activities to engage with and bring communities in Essex together.

Headshot of Lora Aziz. Lora is smiling at the camera, and there's a canopy of trees behind them.