
Walking with wild writer James Canton

  • Sat 17 Aug 24

    14:00 - 16:30

  • Colchester Campus

    Art Exchange

  • Event type

    Arts, culture and performances

  • Event organiser

    Art Exchange

  • Contact details

Come on a walk around Wivenhoe Park, led by wild writer James Canton.

James will take us on a tour of its trees, paths and glades, stopping to read from his books that take their inspiration from nature, such as his seminal 'The Oak Papers'.

It's a great way to discover Wivenhoe Park as James Canton takes us on a journey through his writing and its inspiration.

We will then go onto create our own zines back in Art Exchange - something for you to take away and jot down your own words of wisdom!

All welcome, admission free. No booking required.

This event has been made possible through the Essex County Council Arts and Cultural Fund, which supports organisations and creative practitioners to deliver an exciting range of activities to engage with and bring communities in Essex together.

James Canton is looking to the camera and smiling, whilst leaning on a large boulder. In the background are trees, grass and more boulders that are embedded into the ground.