
Circus skills out in the park

  • Sat 31 Aug 24

    14:00 - 16:30

  • Colchester Campus

    Art Exchange

  • Event type

    Arts, culture and performances

  • Event organiser

    Art Exchange

  • Contact details

Join us out in Wivenhoe Park practising your circus skills – it’s going to be fun for everyone!

With our fully trained circus skills leaders to show you how, try your hand at juggling, diablos, spinning plates, and many more. We're excited to be working with the Grand Theatre of Lemmings who have over 10 years' experience of honing their circus skills to share with us.

Admission free and no booking required, just turn up.

Beginners welcome.

Suitable for 7 years old upwards, though there will be additional activities for younger family members.

This event has been made possible through the Essex County Council Arts and Cultural Fund, which supports organisations and creative practitioners to deliver an exciting range of activities to engage with and bring communities in Essex together.

Three people all dressed in quirky, colourful outfits, with two people riding on a motorbike and one in a sidecar. Except instead of a sidecar there is a large building type box with the words 'stage door', and the person is hanging out the door with their arm outstretched.

Image courtesy of Grand Theatre of Lemmings.