
Settling in

Let us help you feel at home before the academic year begins with a whole days’ worth of activities to help you learn more about studying, find out about sports and societies, and help you settle in.

  • Mon 23 Sep 24

    09:30 - 16:30

  • Colchester Campus

    STEM 3.1

  • Event type


  • Event organiser

    Student Life

Let us help you feel at home before the academic year begins with a whole days’ worth of activities to help you learn more about studying, find out about sports and societies, and help you settle in.

Our Settling in event is exclusively designed to give students who are starting at Essex in October 2024 a chance to get an introduction to the university.

If you will be living off campus, are returning to education after a break, or if you want to familiarise yourself with student life and our campus before terms starts, this is the event for you.

Join us on Monday 23 September to:

  • Get ready for study at Essex with study skills sessions
  • Find out about sports teams and societies you can join
  • Learn about the support you can access whilst at Essex
  • Take part in guided tours of the campus and library
  • Meet key University teams such as Student Wellbeing and Inclusivity, Digital & IT support, Transport and Parking, Careers Services and Student funding to ask any questions you may have and find out key information relevant to you

This event is designed to give you the best start to your University Life. See the Event Schedule below for full details. Spaces are limited, so book your place now!

Register now

Lunch will be provided, along with further light refreshments throughout the day. If you would like any more information, please contact studentexperience@essex.ac.uk.

Event schedule

Time Activity Details
9.30am to 10.00am Arrival, registration and refreshments  
10.00am to 10.30am Welcome & Introduction Meet the Student Experience Team
10.45am to 11.30am Preparing for Study This session gives practical tips and advice on adjusting to life at university, managing your studies, and developing academic skills to help you succeed. It includes an overview of the range of academic support services provided by Skills for Success.
11.30am to 12.15pm What is your SU and what it can do for you The Students Union is for everyone. This session will give an overview of what the SU has to offer including: events, societies, clubs, support. 
We will also cover what welcome week looks like and what is planned for your first few weeks. 
12.15pm to 1.30pm Campus Tours and Lunch An opportunity to see places of interest on campus for study, socialising or to relax. The tours will end on the Squares you will be able to enjoy a free lunch.
1.30pm to 2.30pm Open Forum and Networking Session
A variety of services across campuses will be represented so you can ask any questions you have about student funding, library, parking and travel.
2.30pm to 3.15pm Wellbeing support at the University of Essex This session will discuss the support available for students whilst they study and/or live at Essex, including information on advice services, events, reasonable adjustments and tailored guidance that they can access.
3.15pm to 3.25pm REFRESHMENT BREAK
 3.25pm to 4.15pm Writing Well: Academic Writing at University
This session will look at the principles of writing at university level and how to approach writing in your subject successfully.
4.15pm to 4.30pm Q&A Recent graduates and members of staff will be on hand to answer questions you may have about studying and student life at the University of Essex
 4.30pm to 4.40pm  End of the Day You're invited to join us at the SU bar with other students

A group of visitors walking through the squares on campus with a student ambassador on a campus tour
Take a Campus Tour and get to know your way around.
Group sitting in the Squares socialising
Your chance to meet and make friends