
Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science - Department induction

An essential start to your academic life at the University of Essex

  • Wed 2 - Wed 9 Oct 24


  • Colchester Campus

  • Event type


  • Event organiser

    Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, School of

Your department induction is an essential part of Welcome Week.


Come and find out more about your course, meet key members of staff and meet the people you’re going to be studying with.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to our School.  

First Year Undergraduates

Wednesday 2nd October 2024


 Event  Location
10.00am - 10.05am

Welcome from the Head of School, Professor Spyros Vrontos

STEM 3.1
10.05am - 10.35am Introduction to the School:  Undergraduate Director (including intro from Professional Services team) STEM 3.1
10.35am - 10.40am Brief introduction from our Study Support Manager  STEM 3.1 
10.40am - 10.50am 

Introduction to Women in STEM (WiSTEM) and our Maths & Actuarial Science societies

STEM 3.1 
10.50am - 11.00am 

Students’ Union representative talk

STEM 3.1 
11.00am - 11.20am 

Brief talks from:

  • Library
  • Careers Services
  • Residence Life 
STEM 3.1 
11.20am - 11.50am  Course specific briefing and activities led by course directors STEM 4.1 and 4.2+B
12.00pm - 1:00pm  Lunch and Meet your Personal Tutor  STEM 3.1 


Postgraduate Research

Thursday 3rd October 2024

 Time Event Location
10.00am - 1.15pm University PGR Welcome Conference  Ivor Crewe Lecture Hall B
1.15pm - 1.45pm  Lunch  Ivor Crewe Lecture Hall B

2.00pm - 3.00pm 

School Welcome and Induction and Tour  Room 3.318
3.00pm - 4.00pm  Coffee and Biscuits (meet your supervisor and our current PhD students)  STEM 5.1


Postgraduate Taught

Friday 4th October 2024

Time Event Location
11.00am -11.05am Welcome from the Head of School, Professor Spyros Vrontos  LTB 2 
11.05am - 11.35am  Induction to the School by the Postgraduate Taught Director (including an introduction from our Professional Services Team) LTB 2 
11.35am - 11.45am  Introduction to Women in STEM (WiSTEM) and our Maths society LTB 2 
11.45am - 11.50am  Brief talk from Residence Life LTB 2 
11.50am - 12.00pm  Students’ Union representative talk  LTB 2 
12.00pm - 1.00pm 

Course specific briefings:

  • Applied Data Science and Data Science and its Applications
  • Data Science and Data Science with Professional Placement
  • All other MSc courses 
5N.3.2, 5N.3.7 and 5N.3.9 


Second and Final Year Returning Undergraduates

Wednesday 9th October 2024

Time  Event Location
 2.00pm - 2.30pm Welcome Back from the Undergraduate Director LTB 9
 2.30pm - 2.35pm Brief talk from the Library Services Team LTB 9
 2.35pm - 2.40pm Brief talk from Careers Services LTB 9
 2.40pm - 3.30pm Meeting with your Personal Tutors, including coffee and cake LTB 9
 3.30pm - 4.00pm Q&A for second year direct entrants from our Undergraduate Director LTB 9