
Sociology and Criminology - Postgraduate Research Welcome

Are you beginning a PhD within the Department of Sociology and Criminology? Come along to our induction events during Welcome Week.

  • Thu 3 Oct 24

    15:00 - 16:30

  • Colchester Campus


  • Event type

    Compulsory event

  • Event organiser

    Sociology and Criminology, Department of

  • Contact details

If you're starting your PhD journey with us, be sure to come to our induction events to meet academic staff in the Department.

Thursday 3 October: Postgraduate Research Welcome Conference and Department Induction

The Postgraduate Research Education Team (PGRE) will be hosting a Welcome Conference on Thursday 3rd October. Please keep an eye on your emails for further information on this as it will cover lots of essential information, including how to complete a Training Needs Analysis and accessing Proficio funding. 

Afterwards, the Department of Sociology and Criminology would like to warmly invite our new PhD students to meet key academic staff in the department as well as other PhD students, led by our Postgraduate Research Director, Dr Jason Sumich. 

Department Induction event: Thursday 3rd October from 3.00 - 4.30pm | Location: 6.345 

After the department's induction event, all new PhD students are welcome to join academic staff and other PhD students for a drink in Top Bar. 

The department has also arranged other activities throughout Welcome Week which are open to all. Find out more about other events and activities we have planned:

Monday 30 September and Friday 4 October: Facilities Tours and Come Say Hello! 

Come to view our department facilities, including our Welcome Office, Study Centre, and our Common Room. Between 10am - 4pm on Monday and Friday in Welcome Week, our Study Support Manager and volunteer team of student mentors will be around to greet you and support you with any questions you might have before commencing your studies. We'll do our best to help. There will also be some freebies, free lunch vouchers, and other resources available to pick-up, including our Student Handbook: 'Mini-Guide'. 

Location: Department Study Centre (5A.307) 

Wednesday 2 October: Study Support and Social Events (Open to All)

Plenty of activities and events happen on campus on Wednesdays and the first Wednesday in Welcome Week is no different! The induction activities scheduled for this date include an introduction to our dedicated Study Support Manager in the Department, who will cover many aspects on how you can develop and thrive as a student at Essex. There will also be some Department indoor and outdoor social activities taking place, including a walk on the Wivenhoe Trail (which may be of particular appeal to those living in and commuting from the local area). See our Wednesday schedule below:

Time Location Activity Description
11am Meet outside the Lecture Theatre Building (LTB)  Wivenhoe Trail and Campus Walk (Weather permitting!) 
Approx 1pm Common Room (5A.325) Lunchtime social  - Let's chat with some coffee and cake. Come along to find out more about our social programme of activities in the Autumn term. You'll also have the chance to let us know what kinds of events and activites you'd like to see in our department. 
3-4pm 5.300 A & B Meet Illana Flora, our Study Support Manager., and find out about various study and wellbeing support students have access to whilst at university. 
4-6pm 5.300 A & B Open to all students, our student volunteers will be hosting a social evening for you to continue to make friends and memories during your first week at university. 

Additional information

There's plenty to get involved in during Welcome Week, so be sure to take a look at the wider University Welcome events and Students' Union events.

Student enquiring at student services desk
Need some help?

Please contact us at the Student Services Hub, your gateway to student information services at the University of Essex for any additional help and support.