
Changing the Board Game: Horizontal Spillovers of Gender Quotas

  • Wed 13 Nov 24

    13:00 - 14:30

  • Online

    Contact organiser for details

  • Event speaker

    Dr Luana Zaccaria, Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance

  • Event type

    Lectures, talks and seminars
    Essex Finance Centre (EFIC) Research Seminar Series

  • Event organiser

    Essex Finance Centre

  • Contact details

    Dr Anna Sarkisyan

The Essex Finance Centre (EFiC) warmly invites you to join the research seminar with Dr Luana Zaccaria from Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance.

Seminar summary

The success of board quotas regulation in promoting gender balance hinges on whether its effect extends beyond the (few) firms and jobs directly targeted by law. So far, research has found no evidence of vertical spillovers, that is, indirect effects on workers within targeted firms. We study horizontal spillovers, i.e., the effects on boards of firms not directly targeted by the quotas. We examine the 2011 Italian law mandating gender quotas on boards of listed and state-controlled enterprises (target companies). We define "connected" firms as non-target companies that shared at least one board member with target companies prior to the reform. Employing a difference in differences design, we find that connected firms significantly increase the share of female board members post-reform compared to similar non-connected firms. Accounting for these horizontal spillovers, the effect of the reform on the number of female directors is at least twice as large as that computed for target firms alone, which amounts to approximately 2,500 additional women on boards. Our results suggest that the quotas law indirectly expanded the supply of candidates for directorship positions available to connected firms, rather than increasing their demand for gender diversity on the board. We show evidence that the spillover is largely due to information sharing between target and connected firms.


How to attend this seminar

This seminar will take place online on Wednesday 13 November 2025 at 1pm

The seminar is free to attend with no need to register in advance.

Please email the seminar organiser Dr Anna Sarkisyan for the online joining details.


Speaker bio

 Dr Luana Zaccaria

Dr Luana Zaccaria is an Assistant Professor at Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance and a CEPR Research Affiliate. She received her Ph.D. in Finance from the London School of Economics in 2016 and Master's degree from the London Business School in 2011. Her research focuses on Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Financial Intermediation, Entrepreneurship and Investor Behaviour.