This panel will critically consider the impacts of recent efforts to de-fund international organisations, block international aid and impede civil society space. All welcome.
Introduction, Substantive Overview and a Critique Carla Ferstman,
Human Rights Centre Director
The stranglehold on the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the impact on meeting basic humanitarian needs Nieves Molina Clemente, Chief Adviser, International Justice and Accountability, Danish Institute for Human Rights
Ending US Support to WHO, dismantling USAID and the US freeze on funding for all aid projects: The Global Health Impacts Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Senior Lecturer,
Essex Law School
The impact of the US funding freeze on the preservation and conservation of global heritage William Carruthers, Lecturer,
PHAIS Politicizing money: Addressing hegemony in the right to access foreign funding under international human rights law Güley Bor, consultant and Essex Human Rights Centre Alumni
The panel will be followed by a Q&A.
How to join us
All are welcome
- If you want to join us in person, please book your place via Eventbrite.