Why Essex?

Tere, we are delighted that you're considering studying with us.

Essex has a long history of welcoming students from Estonia to join our diverse community of over 135 different nationalities. Over a third of our student population are from outside of the UK so you’ll feel right at home.

Alina and Alisa from Estonia
Meil oli palju põhjusi valida õppimiseks Essex’i Ülikooli (University of Essex). Esiteks, meie Ülikooli Õiguse kool (Essex Law School) on üks tuntumaid maailmas. Õppejõud on kõrgelt kompetentne, toetav ja väga sõbralik. Teiseks, tudengitena siin meil on palju võimalusi osaleda erinevates haridusprojektides ja rahvusvahelistes projektides sellepärast, et meie asjatundlik õppejõud julgustab ja innustab meid õppima ja oma oskusi praktikas kasutama.Kolmandaks, Essex’i Ülikool on tuntud oma rahvusvahelikkuse poolest. See on nii tore, et siin saad kohtuda inimestega üle kogu maailma! Meie uute sõprade hulgas on erinevate kultuuride esindajad, kellega suheldes me saame oma maailmavaadet laiendada. Veebruaris saab osaleda ka One World Essex nädala sellistel üritustel, nagu rahvusvahelisel kontserdil või rahvusvahelise toidu festivalil. Meile meeldib ka see, et meie Ülikoolis on abi ja toetuse osutamine väga heal tasemel ning inimesed naeratavad ja on heatahtlikud. Meile meeldib elu Essex’is!
Alina and Alisa LLB Law

Entry requirements


Most of our Undergraduate Bachelor degree courses will consider 4.5 overall average (80%) from Gumnaasiumi loputunnistus. 

We also have a range of Foundation Programmes available if you do not meet these grades. Please visit our Pathways Department for details about our undergraduate degrees with a foundation year and the University of Essex International College for other undergraduate and postgraduate pathways.

Some courses have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team admit@essex.ac.uk.

Postgraduate Taught

Many of our Postgraduate Taught Masters will consider applicants with 3 or above from Bachelor degree. Some courses and departments have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team at pgadmit@essex.ac.uk.

We also have a range of Foundation Programmes available through our partner Kaplan International Colleges if you do not meet these grades. Please visit University of Essex International College for further information.

Postgraduate Research 

For entry to Research degrees, please refer to the entry requirements for the degree that you are interested in. 

An undergraduate degree equivalent to a UK 2:2 (see the grade information above), and a master's degree with a good grade is required for most PhD programmes, in addition to a well-developed research proposal in a field in which we can offer supervision. Please have a read through our information for research degree applicants and check the course details for your chosen programme for further information about entry criteria.

Scholarships and funding

Our Essex Global Talent Scholarship, worth 50% of the first year tuition fee, is available for international undergraduate or master’s students.

International Baccalaureate Excellence Scholarship offers £2,000 scholarships to students who start at Essex in 2025-2026 and achieve academic excellence in their International Baccalaureate. 

Our Europe (non-European Union) Regional Scholarship offers £3,000 scholarships to undergraduate students from Estonia. Please visit the link for further details about deadlines and eligibility.

Please visit our Scholarships pages for full terms and conditions and information about additional funding opportunities.

Meet us in Estonia 

Unfortunately we do not have any visits to your country planned in the near future. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with your country contact named below with any questions.

Hear from our Estonian students 

The best way to settle in socially is to join societies and sports clubs. I joined the Nordic Society in my first year and ran the society in my second year and I am also a proud member of the Essex Volleyball Club. I have met a lot of amazing people through these clubs and made loads of new friends. I enjoy living in England and experiencing a different culture, but since the mindset and lifestyle are not that much different from Estonians it is not that hard to make yourself feel like at home. Although sometimes walking around the University you might forget being in England since the University is so international! If you have found a degree at Essex that is right for you and you are brave, independent and outgoing and up for studying in English and meeting a lot of new people then Essex is the right place for you.
Elina Praake BA European Studies with German
I chose to come to Essex because the University looked impressive and I heard some good reviews from other students. I settled into life at Essex without problems and I now work for the Students’ Union which has helped me to meet new friends. I am currently living off campus, in a nearby town called Wivenhoe, just 10 minutes’ walking distance from the university. England can be expensive, but I have my part time job which pays for my accommodation, and the university is very supportive. I would recommend Essex to Estonian students as it is a friendly campus with almost everything you need.
Oleg Barakov BSc Psychology
George Swain
Get in touch
George Swain Estonia country contact