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Why Essex?

With students from over 140 different countries, Essex is the world in one place. Each year over 100 students from across Latin America study at the University.

Quick links

Click on the links below to navigate directly to the entry requirements and find all the information you need:

Entry Requirements


Postgraduate Research

For entry to Research degrees, please refer to the entry requirements for the course that you are interested in. 

An undergraduate degree equivalent to a UK 2:2 (see the information above), and a master’s degree with a good grade is required for most PhD programmes, in addition to a well-developed research proposal in a field in which we can offer supervision. Please have a read through our information for PhD applicants and check the course details for your chosen programme for further information about entry criteria.

Our links with Mexican universities

We offer Masters Dual Degrees with Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) and Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). We've been partners with ITESM since 1999.

Watch this video from ITESM celebrating the 20th Anniversary of  the partnership between Tec de Monterrey and Essex.

Scholarships and funding

Our Latin America and the Caribbean Scholarship scheme offers up to £5,000 scholarships to undergraduate students. Please visit the link for further details about deadlines and eligibility. 

The Essex Global Talent Scholarship, worth 50% of the first-year tuition fee, is available for international undergraduate or master’s students.

Our International Baccalaureate Excellence Scholarship offers £2,000 scholarships to students who start at Essex in 2025-2026 and achieve academic excellence in their International Baccalaureate. 

The Academic Excellence International Masters Scholarship offers scholarships of up to £6,000 to international students from selected countries. Please visit the link for further details on deadlines and eligibility.

Postgraduate students from Colombia sponsored by Colfuturo are eligible for a 25% tuition fee discount or a 100% discount for one individual (exclusions apply).

Postgraduate students from Chile sponsored by ANID are eligible for a 15% tuition fee discount (exclusions apply).

Postgraduate students from Mexico sponsored by FUNED and/or FIDERH are eligible for a 20% tuition fee discount. 

Please visit our Scholarships pages for information about additional funding opportunities.

Our student societies

We’ve got over 100 clubs and societies at Essex, including our friendly Latin American society, where you’ll have the chance to:

  • Share Latin American culture with other students
  • Fundraise for a Latin America focused charity
  • Make and enjoy Latin American food
  • Partake in society socials

Explore the Latin American society

Join in the conversation and get to know other students with the society's Facebook page.

Educational representatives

We work with a network of educational representatives who can offer guidance throughout the application process. If you are a prospective student interested in applying to Essex, you are welcome to reach out directly to these representatives in your country should you like assistance with next steps.

Meet us in your region

Unfortunately, we don't have any events planned in your country yet. However, please feel free to contact Emma via if you have any queries. 

Keep up to date with her travels on Instagram.




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Book a short virtual meeting with our student recruitment team to ask anything about applying to or studying at Essex.

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Why study here?

Maria Isabel De Souza Novo
Yo nací en Argentina, crecí en México e pase mi adolescencia en Brasil y como consecuencia tuve la oportunidad en el transcurrir de mi vida de tener contacto con diversos idiomas y culturas. Esta experiencia y mi pasión por Historia, comunicaciones y Geografía son lo que me motivo a estudiar Relaciones Internacionales en la universidad. Desde que era chica mi sueño era hacer la universidad fuera y para mi la decisión siempre estuvó entre Reino Unido o Estados Unidos por el cariño que le tengo al idioma inglés pero la decisión fue tomada después que visite Londres por la primera vez porque me enamoré de la ciudad y sabia que quería estar lo mas cerca de ella posible sin perder la oportunidad de estudiar en un campus universitario. Al escoger la Universidad de Essex tengo lo mejor de ambos mundos porque no solo estoy cerca de Londres como también tengo la oportunidad de estudiar en una universidad con un esplendido campus y una vida estudiantil internacional, algo que también era de extrema importancia para mi. Finalmente, al escoger estudiar Relaciones Internacionales tuve la oportunidad de estudiar asignaturas que me inspiran con profesores de todas las partes del mundo, pero esto diploma también me da la oportunidad de buscar carreras que son mas relacionadas al mundo de las comunicaciones que el de la política como mi actual posición como asistente para marketing internacional y reclutamiento estudiantil para Latino América en la Universidad de Essex.
Bheatriz Cavalcante Machado
Eu nasci e cresci na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil e sempre fui apaixonada pela minha cidade e pelo meu país. Nunca fui o tipo de pessoa que teve a ambição de crescer e se afastar da cidade natal e da família, porém eu sempre acreditei no poder revolucionário da educação, e sempre busquei evoluir e crescer por esse caminho, sem pensar muito sobre onde ele poderia me levar. Me formei em Psicologia, que sempre foi o meu sonho, e me licenciei como Psicóloga logo depois, já entrando no mercado de trabalho. Minha jornada profissional teve início como psicóloga clínica, onde adquiri uma experiência valiosa antes de decidir embarcar em uma nova busca acadêmica. Pensando na minha evolução pessoal e profissional, decidi tentar buscar um curso fora. A Universidade de Essex se destacou para mim não só por ser um centro de excelência líder mundial para as ciências sociais e da saúde mas também por ser uma universidade verdadeiramente internacional, diversa e inclusiva. Quando fui aprovada, fiquei imensamente feliz, porém com medo de uma mudança tão grande. Mas o apoio da minha mãe e da minha família, e o suporte todo que recebi da faculdade desde o início, me deram coragem para dar esse passo. Atualmente, estou cursando meu Mestrado em Neurociência Cognitiva e Neuropsicologia, e posso dizer que minhas expectativas sobre a Universidade vem sendo excedidas a cada dia. Estou tendo a oportunidade de combinar minha experiência prática com pesquisa de ponta nesta jornada acadêmica transformadora.
Bheatriz Cavalcante Machado MSc cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychology
Jesús Martínez photo
Hello, my name is Jesús Martínez. I am from Caracas, Venezuela. I came to the University of Essex thanks to a Chevening scholarship. One of the main reasons I chose Essex when deciding which university to apply to was its outstanding academic reputation, being one of the most important institutions regarding research power within the UK, as well as its highly competitive postgraduate programs in Economics. Additionally, the smooth application process was a plus. So far, I have found that the university provides a rigorous and supportive learning environment. Not only are the professors exceptionally knowledgeable and approachable, but the university as a whole offers extensive support for international students, including continuous assistance for those whose first language is not English. In particular, living on campus has exceeded my expectations. Colchester campus offers a serene environment surrounded by nature while at the same time being close to essential stores, services, and routes of transportation, striking the perfect balance between tranquility and convenience. Furthermore, Colchester’s proximity to London, combined with a lower cost of living, makes it an ideal destination for those seeking an affordable, transformative educational experience. For prospective Venezuelan students, Essex offers an unparalleled blend of academic excellence, cultural diversity, and a welcoming community. The university's dynamic and vibrant atmosphere ensures there is always something exciting to do beyond academics. Moreover, with students from over 140 countries, including a strong representation from Latin America, Essex offers opportunities to feel at home, sharing our rich culture and connecting with peers through social events and cultural activities. In short, studying at the University of Essex has been an incredibly enriching experience that I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone considering pursuing higher education in the UK.
Jesus David Martinez Torreglosa MSc Applied Economics and Data Analysis
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