Hei! I am George and I look after our Norwegian students coming to the University of Essex. Each year we welcome a number of students from Norway to study various courses including Acting, Computer Science, and Psychology, and we are delighted that you are considering joining them. We currently have around 60 Norwegian students studying with us. Below you'll find some country-specific information which I hope you will find helpful. Please do get in touch at europe@essex.ac.uk if you have any questions.
George Swain norway country contact

Entry requirements


Most of our Undergraduate Bachelor degree courses will consider a 4.0 average from the six best subjects in the Vitnemal/VVO.

If you are taking international high school qualifications these may also be accepted,please contact us for more information. 

We also offer a range of Foundation Programmes which can lead to entry to our undergraduate degrees, please visit University of Essex International College for further information.

Some courses have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team admit@essex.ac.uk.

Postgraduate Taught

Many of our Postgraduate Taught Masters will consider applicants with D or above from Bachelor degree. Some courses and departments have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team at pgadmit@essex.ac.uk.

We also have a range of Foundation Programmes available through our partner Kaplan International Colleges if you do not meet these grades. Please visit University of Essex International College for further information.


Postgraduate Research

For entry to Research degrees, please refer to the entry requirements for the course that you are interested in. 
An undergraduate degree equivalent to a UK 2:2 (see the information above), and a master’s degree with a good grade is required for most PhD programmes, in addition to a well-developed research proposal in a field in which we can offer supervision. Please have a read through our information for PhD applicants and check the course details for your chosen programme for further information about entry criteria.

Scholarships and funding

Our Essex Global Talent Scholarship, worth 50% of the first year tuition fee, is available for international undergraduate or master’s students.

International Baccalaureate Excellence Scholarship offers £2,000 scholarships to students who start at Essex in 2025-2026 and achieve academic excellence in their International Baccalaureate.  

Academic Excellence International Masters Scholarship offers £3,000 scholarships to international students who took undergraduate degree overseas or in the UK and are self-funding their postgraduate studies. Please visit the link for further details about deadlines and eligibility. 

Our Europe (non-European Union) Regional Scholarship offers £3,000 scholarships to undergraduate students from Norway. Please visit the link for further details about deadlines and eligibility.

You may be eligible to receive funding through Lånekassen for your studies at Essex. Please visit the Lånekassen website for further information.

Please visit our Scholarships pages for information about additional funding opportunities.

Our student societies

We’ve got over 100 clubs and societies at Essex, including our friendly Nordic society, where you’ll have the chance to:

  • Meet other Nordic students
  • Share Nordic cultures and languages with other students
  • Make and enjoy Nordic food
  • Partake in society socials

Explore the Nordic Society

Meet us in Norway 

We do not have any visits planned to Norway in the near future, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions in the meanwhile.

Hear from our Norwegian students and alumni

Norwegian student Vilde Gravdal
Jeg kommer fra Bergen, Norge og valgte å dra til Essex på grunn av universitetets gode rykte og svært internasjonale profil. Jeg studerer internasjonale relasjoner, så for meg var det viktig å velge et universitet hvor jeg kunne få muligheten til å treffe folk fra hele verden. Min opplevelse på universitetet i Essex har gått over all forventning, mye på grunn av alle mulighetene som kommer i tillegg til selve studiene. Allerede fra første uken ble jeg introdusert til «Politics Society», ett av de mange «societies» som finnes på campus, der jeg ikke bare fikk øvd meg i å diskutere politikk, men også fikk mange nye venner. Jeg valgte å benytte meg av universitetets tilbud om å dra på utveksling i ett år, så i dag studerer jeg i Tyskland, før jeg returnerer til Essex. Universitetet tilbyr flere typer boliger, mange spisesteder og ikke minst en nattklubb, alt på samme sted, så det har virkelig en campus-spirit! Desom underviser er alltid engasjerte og hjelpsomme etter min erfaring, så mankan alltid føle seg komfortabel å spørre om hjelp. Å velge å studere på universitetet i Essex var for meg bare første skritt i retning av hva som ble en utrolig lærerik, sosial og spennende opplevelse.
Vilde Gravdal BA International relations
Hei! Mitt navn er Birgit og jeg er en norsk masterstudent her ved University of Essex. Jeg studerer endringsledelse og trives utrolig godt med det. Jeg valgte å studere her i Colchester fordi programmet passet med mine karrieremål og verdier. Foreleserne her er veldig imøtekommende og støttende. Forelesningene er interaktive og interessante. Det er veldig praktisk å bo på campus ettersom at alt du trenger er innenfor 15 minutters gåavstand, slik som biblioteket, treningsstudioet, barer, forskjellige dagligvarebutikker og de ulike forelesningssalene. Sentrum av byen er ca. 20 minutter unna med buss. Byen inneholder mange historiske bygninger, men har også et livlig uteliv. Byen har også ulike butikker, kafeer, museer og kinoer å tilby. Hvis du vil ha et minneverdig år, venner fra hele verden og en kvalitetsutdanning, vil University of Essex passe godt for deg.
Birgit msc organisational change management
I wanted to study at Essex because I knew the University had a strong focus on research. I also liked the fact that the University was close to London and had a very diverse student body. I found settling into student life at Essex very straightforward. For example, when I first arrived at the University, I was met by a student who took the time to show me my accommodation, get my keys, and gave me a quick tour of the campus. I was particularly impressed with the Department of Psychology, as staff were always available and very motivated to help students. I learned a lot, both from the intellectually stimulating conversations I had with my advisor and from team work activities with other students on my course.
Monica Bernstein  BSc Psychology
Two women standing outside
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George Swain Norway country contact