Why Essex?

Essex has a long history of welcoming students from Romania to join our diverse community of over 135 different nationalities.
  • Central London is easily accessible from all our campuses
  • We have a range of job opportunities giving you first hand work experience whilst you study

Application information

Entry requirements


Most of our Undergraduate Bachelor degree courses will consider a pass with 8.0 average from Diploma de Bacalaureat.

We will consider the English taken in the Romanian Baccalaureate with a minimum of three components at B2 and one at B1 excluding oral interaction. We will also consider IELTS, TOEFL and CAE Advanced or Proficiency tests.

Postgraduate Taught

Many of our Postgraduate Taught Masters will consider applicants with 6 or above from Bachelor degree. Some courses and departments have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team admit@essex.ac.uk

We also have a range of Foundation Programmes available if you do not meet these grades. Please visit our Pathways Department for details about our undergraduate degrees with a foundation year and the University of Essex International College for other undergraduate and postgraduate pathways.

Postgraduate Research 

For entry to Research degrees, please refer to the entry requirements for the degree that you are interested in. 

An undergraduate degree equivalent to a UK 2:2 (see the grade information above), and a master's degree with a good grade is required for most PhD programmes, in addition to a well-developed research proposal in a field in which we can offer supervision. Please have a read through our information for research degree applicants and check the course details for your chosen programme for further information about entry criteria.

Scholarships and Funding

Our Essex Global Talent Scholarship, worth 50% of the first year tuition fee, is available for international undergraduate or master’s students.

International Baccalaureate Excellence Scholarship offers £2,000 scholarships to students who start at Essex in 2025-2026 and achieve academic excellence in their International Baccalaureate.  

Our Undergraduate EU Scholarship offers £5,000 scholarships to undergraduate students from Romania. Please visit the link for further details about deadlines and eligibility.

Our Master (PGT) EU Scholarship offers up to £5,500 scholarships to Masters students from Romania. Please visit the link for further details about deadlines and eligibility.

Please visit our Scholarships pages for full terms and conditions and information about additional funding opportunities.


Our Student Societies

We’ve got over 100 clubs and societies at Essex, including our amazing Romanian society, where you’ll have the chance to:

  • Organise trips to London
  • Watch Romanian movies together
  • Organise fundraisers
  • Share Romanian culture at Essex

Explore our SU societies

Join in the conversation and get to know other student's with the societies Facebook page too.

Meet us in Romania

We do not have any visits planned to your country in the near future.

Employability opportunities

I am honoured to have experienced a wide range of work placements whilst studying. These experiences have facilitated my road to success. The challenges I mostly faced, were financial and cultural, but having the chance to earn some money whilst a student definitely helped a lot! I evolved from a simple volunteer in my first year to the unique Essex Interns scheme at Essex, which offered me the opportunity to gain invaluable work experience in event and project management, and develop confidence in communication, working alongside and being trained by experienced staff in a busy office environment. Liaising with a wide range of people, internal and external to the University, I also worked as Student Ambassador and Employability Ambassador, while being involved in various extra-curricular activities, such as being a volunteering project leader with vTeam or Secretary for Romanian Society.
Simina Tulbure MA ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, 2015. currently working at european investment bank in luxembourg

Find out more about our Careers and Employability services.

Hear from our Romanian students

Image of a University of Essex Romanian Student
Să fii student la Essex este o  experiență inedită. Aceasta te ajută să te maturizezi, oferindu-ți posibilitatea de a-ți testa limitele și de a te descoperi pe tine însuți. Aici poți cunoaște oameni din toate colțurile lumii, lega prietenii și poți incerca lucruri noi. Universitatea oferă o multitudine de servicii de informare și asistența atât în perioada de acomodare cât și pe tot parcursul anului. De-a lungul celor 3 ani la Essex am fost implicată în proiecte de voluntariat,am fost membră în diferite societăți, am avut primele mele job-uri și am dobândit o experiență de viață prețioasă. Essex îți oferă posibilitatea de a îmbina într-un mod plăcut studiul și viața socială.
Diana Diaconu Psychology
Still unsure? Why not get in touch with us
Ella Sancassani Romania country contact