
Class of 2017: Katie Greenall

  • Date

    Fri 21 Jul 17

Katie Greenall

All this week we are celebrating the achievements of some of our students who are graduating in the class of 2017. Katie Greenall, graduating today from East 15 Acting School tells us her story.

Katie Greenall (BA Acting and Community Theatre) will leave a lasting legacy when she finishes her degree, in the shape of a new youth theatre in Southend.

Katie and fellow graduate Grace Duggan formed the The Clifftown Youth Theatre following an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) research project during which Grace looked into what arts opportunities were available for local youngsters.

The result was the theatre workshops – an initial taster session for five to eight-year-olds was a sell out and there followed a five-week programme, with sessions every Saturday exploring elements of storytelling, physical theatre and singing.

Now in its second term, a summer school is planned for an extended age range and second-year students from Essex have been trained to take over the sessions when Katie and Grace leave.

Katie has also worked as a manager at our Clifftown Theatre – working behind the bar and Front of House for both in-house and public productions.

“This has been hugely valuable in developing my understanding of how a play gets to the stage. The facilities at the Southend Campus are excellent and being able to use them outside of hours has allowed me to develop my skills and own work in my free time – not to mention allowing us to establish Clifftown Youth Theatre,” she said.